How to Love Better

Love is a significant universal experience for all humans; however, its definition still seems quite complicated. We just know that we start feeling a strange but marvelous drift for that specific person.
A simple glimpse of them instigates attachment and warmth. We start feeling the irresistible need to love and make that specific person happy. But, love is not just a feeling to experience; it requires action.
We understand that relationships are hard sometimes. Despite having an attractive, loving, and caring partner, we often find ourselves struggling with the questions like:
Is my partner going to let me in? Will they love me after knowing my vulnerabilities? How to love better?
These are common and most complicated questions that we face while managing a relationship.
Related Reading: How to Determine Your Definition of Love
15 ways to love better
While we desire to have healing intimacy, affection, love, and commitment, we often end up running away from facing our greatest vulnerabilities and fears.
The reality is; we run from our primary need to love and be loved by our partner. While most readers want to hear a great love story, many are looking for valuable advice to navigate the mysterious world of relationships.
Are you willing to become a loving partner? So, how to love better?
Here are compiled fifteen ways to love better. Read on!
1. Try to focus on being a better you
It is tough to be in a nourishing relationship while being in a negative relationship with yourself. It can create angry, conflicted, outrageous, and jealous behaviors while leaving you emotionally dependent on your partner.
While small differences create learning opportunities in the relationship, huge differences leave you feeling unhappy.
Treat yourself with care and love. Be happy, healthy, and replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Be confident and understand your expectations from your partner and relationship.
To love better, you need to understand your likes, dislikes, and core values.
What do you want from your life? What are your long-term life goals? What qualities are you looking for in your partner?
Understand and focus on being a better version of yourself. Developing a profound understanding of your personality will eventually weed out incompatible people from your life.
2. Set the boundaries
We often feel that we have found our soul mate; there is no need to set expectations or healthy boundaries. In order to love more and better, it is crucial to have boundaries in relationships.
The need is to have a better understanding of your partner’s comfort while going through sensitive issues like checking their cell phone or social media account.
It is important to communicate and express your interests and things that you are not comfortable in the relationship.
This can help you feel relaxed knowing your partner is going to be respectful of this.
Related Reading: The Importance of Healthy Boundaries in Marriage
3. Invest time in the relationship
A person working 65 hours a week says, “I am working hard for my family because I love them so much.” Remember, your partner is not looking for this type of love. Love is not just a feeling; it’s a decision that is not defined by words only.
You need to take action in expressing love to your partner. One of the primary ways to express love is by spending quality time with your partner.
So, how to love better?
Find time in your busy routine and exchange a few words of your feelings with your partner. You can do this through a phone call, text message, or by leaving a love note for them.
4. Communicate your love
While many of us are continuously looking for the best way to love our partner, the answer is simple and effective.
Try to communicate your love by expressing it through your action. You might have heard, “action speaks louder than words.” Well, this is the same case here.
You can be loving to partner by helping them in the kitchen or with the laundry. It is as simple as leaving a love note for them at the breakfast table.
It’s all about doing small things to bring a smile to their face. You got the point, right!
Do not just say those three magical words; help them feel the magic too!
Related Reading: Ways to Say I Love You
5. Express interest
How to love better?
Love is better when we take time to express interest in our partner’s life. It is a timeless and significant form of connection in a healthy relationship.
People often get too busy with work and forget to check on their partner. This can cause serious damage to the relationship.
Make sure to take time to learn about your partner’s daily routine. You can ask them questions about their day, what is keeping them occupied, or by simply being there and listening to them.
6. Avoid comparisons in the relationship
People often compare their relationships with others. It is significant to remember, love is better when we appreciate the individuality of our partner without comparing them to other people.
There is no perfect relationship out there; our comparison will distort the important aspects of our love life.
What can you do to love better?
Try to limit your social media time and concentrate on important issues like intimacy, communication, and expectations in the relationship.
Related Reading: Compare No More: Building Confidence in Your Marriage
7. Pay attention to their needs
When you start paying attention to your partner’s needs, you can help in making their life easier. If they have been working too hard lately, then try getting a relaxing day at the spa for them.
It is about being caring and thoughtful towards your partner. Being affectionate and observant of their needs is a great way of making your relationship better.
8. Spend quality time
Depending on our living and work situations, we do not get quality time with our partners. Quality time is not just sitting next to each other and building intimacy in the relationship.
You can cook a meal, go on a walk, and try a new workout with your partner. It is about limiting time for cell phones or other screens and enjoying each other’s company in the relationship.
Besides, you can schedule a consistent ‘Friday date night’ as a way to make the relationship better.
Related Reading: Making Time For You And Your Spouse
9. Don’t forget the physical touch
Intimacy is an extremely important aspect of feeling close to your partner. Physical touch is a great approach to make love better, but it is not confined to sex only.
Another form of touch, like spooning, hugs, massage, holding hands, and playing with their hair, can be an intimate way to love our partner.
You can always discuss and learn about the most enjoyable physical touch of your partner.
10. Surprise your partner
How to love better?
Planning surprises for your partner creates an unforgettable memory in the relationship. Well, it does not need to be too expensive.
You can plan a movie night for them; cook their favorite meal, and get some nice flowers or their favorite coffee on your way back home.
It’s about being affectionate, thoughtful, and caring towards your partner.
Related Reading: Ways to Thrill and Surprise Your Special Someone
11. Be responsible
Both partners have some responsibilities to deal with the conflicted situation in the relationship.
They should take responsibility for their words, actions, apologize when necessary, and admire each other’s point of view without being biased.
It is the accountability to admit, taking the right actions for a happy relationship.
12. Ask their love language
People feel loved in different ways. What works for you might not work for your partner. Therefore, it’s fundamental to ask your partner how they would like to be loved?
Gary Chapman, the author of five love languages, explained five love languages of physical touch, gifts, quality time, acts of service, and words of affirmation.
Having a profound conversation with them and learning about their love language is a thoughtful expression of love and making your relationship better.
Also Try: What Is My Love Language Quiz?
13. Forget old issues
Couples often bring past arguments and fights while dealing with a recent issue. It is quite common to say, “Remember, when you broke my favorite vase and never replaced it? “Why are you bringing that issue from three years ago?” and it continues…!
There is no good reason to keep digging up the past. The old unsolved issues are never going to help in present ones. Let them go and move on.
You should stay calm and be loving in the effort of making your relationship stronger.
14. Be supportive
How can you support your partner? What can you do and love them better?
Doing small little things for your partner can go a long way to make the relationship better. You can support their favorite hobby or help them in having a day out.
Offering a helping hand with the housework or groceries from the market will ensure your support and care for them. It will be a reminder that no matter what, you are always with them.
It could be the most required encouragement to keep going and have excitement at the same time.
15. Respect them
How to love better?
Respect serves as the root of a healthy relationship. No matter what, you should always be respectful to your partner.
It is important to respect the differences and value your partner’s beliefs in the relationship. Love is better when we care, trust, and respect our partner.
The relationship is commitment, action, and a decision. We do not need to feel over-pressurized if our relationship is not completely happy all the time.
Relax and understand, a perfect relationship does not appear from the air; it requires good communication, effort, and commitment towards our partner to develop it over time.
You can follow the above-mentioned tips to make your relationship better.
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