30 Romantic Bedroom Ideas for Married Couples

Once you have been in a relationship for a couple of months, you may run out of romantic bedroom ideas. To help you make your life more romantic, we have compiled a list of romantic master bedroom ideas for you to use.
Finding romantic bedroom ideas for newlywed married couples is essential as their first home is very important.
Mentioned below are some tips and some romantic bedroom ideas for couples that you can use.
30 romantic bedroom ideas for married couples
If you have been recently married, here are 30 ideas for your bedroom that will make your newly married life even more blissful. While some of these ideas will appeal to the emotional side, others may help you enhance intimacy in your marriage.
1. Storytelling wall
Every couple would like to have a storytelling wall, which explains their love story and their journey. Well, if you are thinking of romantic bedroom ideas, then this idea is the best.
Hang photos of your moments, such as engagement day, marriage day, etc., with cute little labels. You can also include your honeymoon and wedding pictures if you want.
Related Reading: How to Spice Things up in the Bedroom
2. Manage storage and space
One big issue that couples face when it comes down to romantic room ideas is the storage of things.
While you can choose many bedroom ideas, make sure that your entire theme allows you to have enough space to store things. Also, keep in mind the kind of furniture you want to buy and keep in your room.
For example, if there is minimum space present inside for a California king-size bed, then you can opt for a queen-sized bed or a king-size one instead.
Similarly, you can also get more total units instead of buying narrow ones if you have a great space to walk in your room.
3. Keep separate areas for the both of you
Even as a couple, having personal space is incredibly important.
This is not only applicable in your real life but is needed in the bedroom too. This way, both the partners can add their personal touch and make their room look more appealing.
4. Power outage
How to decorate a bedroom for a romantic night? There’s nothing better than having a power outage date by turning the lights down in the room and lighting up the candles.
What better way to keep the fire alive in the relationship by turning the electronics off at night and enjoy an evening filled with a focus on one another? This is one of the most romantic night ideas out there.
Related Reading: 4 Things a Woman Can Do to Spice up the Bedroom
5. Spa night
You can hardly go wrong with a spa night! If you are all into pampering your loved one, then this romantic bedroom idea is for you.
Provide your wife or husband with the treatment of the spa from your bedroom. Light up a candle, put on some mellow music, and take out all your scented oils.
There is nothing more romantic than a relaxing massage in candlelight, and it won’t cost a thing.
6. Couples café
You can turn any meal you want into dinner for you two. You can plan a usual fun-filled dinner by making the right menu with entrees, drinks, dessert, and the main course.
You can print it out, place it on the table, and then serve it accordingly. With this idea, you can get ready to cash in some kisses in return.
7. Rooftop date
This does not fall into the romantic bedroom idea but is an unexpected one. You can grab a ladder, find a suitable surface, and surprise your loved one on the roof or you can head out on the porch and set up a cute dinner date for you to enjoy.
Romantic bedroom ideas for married couples are comfortable, especially if you know what to do and what your partner likes.
The marriage lasts forever, and it is up to you and your partner to keep the flame alive. If you work hard to maintain yourself and take care of your date nights, your marriage will remain happy and satisfied.
Related Reading: 24 Proven Ways to Have a Happy Marriage
8. Invest in a reliable lock
Bedrooms are not just for privacy; it is also where valuables are usually stored. Good locks not only protect your privacy and security but will also prevent your grown children from walking in on you during quality time.
9. Consider soundproofing
Sex is much more exciting when you can moan and scream at the top of your lungs. Dirty talks also help increase excitement and give a more intense experience.
Serious couples also discuss serious matters.
Ensuring nobody overhears your adult talk can prevent future troubles.
The human olfactory stimuli are stronger than other senses because of their short range. The brain never learned how to filter out the noise the way it does with visual and auditory stimuli.
So invest in scents, whether it’s incense, vaporizers, scented candles, or other items; no list of sexy bedroom ideas is complete without it.
10. Color your world
Colors can affect our mood and psychology. Cool colors are relaxing. Warm colors encourage intimacy.
Learn to work with both, but your bedroom motif should only be one or the other—cool and Warm colors clash. So decide which one works best for you. It is possible to have the best of both worlds through romantic bedroom lighting.
Paint your bedroom with cool colors and have warm lighting. It is a must-have for any romantic bedroom.
Related Reading: 6 Foreplay Ideas That Will Surely Spice up Your Sex Life
11. Remove clutter
Romantic bedroom decorations shouldn’t include dirty clothes and shoes all over the place. Any clutter can ruin the mood, mainly if one party is OC. Any romantic bed settings don’t include trash all over the place.
Even if it isn’t trash, it will ruin the mood if the room is cluttered, especially if you step on something sharp.
For tips for decluttering your home and your bedroom, watch this video.
12. A large bed
There is something in the human psyche that gets excited when we see a large bed. After all, the bed is the centerpiece of all romantic bedrooms.
Couple bed sets are available for a bit of humor and silliness, but they are not too appropriate if romantic is what you are going for. Beddings can help a lot in setting the mood.
Red silk is traditionally good.
White also helps the atmosphere, but it’s not advisable due to its inherent weakness with all kinds of stains.
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13. Pillow fight
Speaking of beds and beddings, for some reason, it also helps with the atmosphere when there are lots of pillows.
It may not be your idea of romantic style, but lots of big pillows do help raise libido.
14. Pick the right decor for your family
The difference between a couple living alone and a couple living with children is the type of decorations you can use to spice your room. Fragile decors will not last long when you have young kids or rowdy pets in the house.
15. Ensure the room is well-ventilated
Ensuring that your bedroom is well-ventilated will help you keep your particular room fresh and filled with natural light. Since smells and winds play an important role in improving your mood, this is an essential factor in making a good bedroom.
This may not be the most popular of the couples’ bedroom ideas, but it is crucial.
16. Add a sitting area
This may not be one of the most apparent romantic bedroom ideas. You might not always want to sit in the living room, nor would you like to lie down in your bed if you are in the bedroom.
Keeping a sitting area in your bedroom will help you enjoy your alone time with your partner without having to lie down on the bed and feel lazy.
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17. A fireplace
This is one of the most romantic bedroom ideas. There are few things as romantic as sitting by the fireplace, enjoying a glass of wine, and just staring into each other’s eyes. If you can manage it, you must try to incorporate a fireplace in your bedroom.
18. Bring in plants
Plants can change the vibe of your home and your bedroom. Bring in some greenery with beautiful plants to make your bedroom feel more lively and happy. It may not be the number one list of romantic bedroom ideas, but it surely will change the vibe.
19. Try velvet pillows
Velvet is a great texture to add to the bedroom. It looks not only super luxurious but also feels great on the skin. You can include velvet in the form of throw pillows, and pillow covers. Velvet pillows are a small addition to your bedroom but can be one of the best romantic bedroom ideas.
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20. Install blackout curtains
Blackout curtains are an excellent idea for the bedroom, as they will help to keep the light out during your mid-day naps or even on mornings when you do not want to be up as early as the sun. The blackout curtains will also provide you some privacy if you have nosy neighbors.
21. Keep your bedroom tech-free
Wondering how to make your bedroom romantic? One major mistake that people make is when they introduce technology into their bedrooms.
You must try to keep this area of your home tech-free. Do not install TVs, AI devices, speakers, or other devices in your bedroom. Keep it intimate and about the two of you.
Also Try: Bedroom Mistakes Women Make
22. Comfort over everything else
Your bedroom has to be the most comfortable spot for you, not just in the house, but also in the whole world. Make sure both you and your partner enjoy your time in the bedroom and feel super comfortable there.
23. Lantern lighting
Lighting plays a significant role in the mood that you can set in the bedroom. Lantern lighting can be unique and very mesmerizing at the same time. Want to add to the romance in bedroom? Add great lighting!
24. Add flowers
Smells and colors can brighten up your room, and what is a better way to incorporate them in your bedroom than flowers? Bring fresh flowers into your bedroom every other day to keep it smelling fresh and keep the romance alive.
Related Reading: 5 Best Romantic Ideas for Couples to Spice up Your Relationship
25. Pick the best headboard
Headboards can make or break your bedroom and your bed. You and your partner should try to pick the best headboard per your taste to give your bedroom an extra edge.
26. Add mirrors
Mirrors can help brighten your room and also make it look bigger than it is. Mirrors are also a great decor piece. Pick suitable shapes, sizes, and frames, and you will enjoy the vibe.
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27. Add your favorite art
If you or your partner yourself enjoy painting, drawing, writing, or any other form of art, you can pick the best pieces, frame them, and add them to your room for that personal touch.
If you yourself do not make such art but enjoy collecting them, you can add your favorite artist’s work to your bedroom, as well.
28. Paint your walls yourself
If you feel creative and want to add a personal touch to your bedroom, go crazy with painting the walls. Pick fun colors and show your creativity. It can also become a fun activity to do with your partner.
29. Add your favorite color
A bedroom should be as personal as possible. To make it feel more like the two of you, use your favorite color for the bedroom’s theme. If you both have different favorite colors, you can mix them to make the bedroom look even more cute and personal.
30. Pay attention to the bathroom
The master bathroom is also an important part of the bedroom. Make sure you pay special attention to the bathroom. Add nice curtains, a bathtub, and candles to enjoy a relaxing shower or bath with your partner whenever you want.
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The bedroom is one of the most intimate places in the house. Since it is solely your space and will not be regularly visited by guests, or even your children or family members, making it personal yet romantic is the way to go.
The ideas shared above will help you create the bedroom of your dreams, which is sure to be a paradise for you and your partner.
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