15 Things Guys Like to Hear From a Woman

If you are in a relationship, it is always a surreal experience when your woman tells you some words that keep you happy and motivated. There are some things guys like to hear, but not all women know this, and that is why some guys feel underappreciated because their women are not saying the right words.
Hence, if you are a lady and you don’t know what guys want to hear, this article gives you insights on the right things to say to a guy.
The importance of saying things guys like to hear
Even though they don’t mention it, there are several things guys like to hear, but some of them would not let their ego request them. If you observe your man is behaving in a particular way, it could be because you’ve not told him some words he wants to hear.
When you say some things that guys like to hear, you are helping their confidence and giving them more reasons to love, trust and care more for you.
Related Reading: How to Compliment a Guy
15 things men want to hear from a woman
If you are seeking ways to appreciate your man or make him feel good on difficult days, here are 15 things that are sure to work for you:
1. I’m proud of you
One of the many things that inflates a guy’s ego is hearing his favorite woman or female friends mention how proud they are of him. This statement usually comes after an accomplishment, and it motivates the guy to achieve more because there are people rooting for him.
2. I believe in you
When a guy is down and unmotivated, he needs words of encouragement to cheer his spirit. If you are a sensitive lady, you can tell the guy, “I believe in you.” Hearing those words would mean a lot to the guy, and it would impact him with confidence.
Guys love it when their egos are massaged, and hearing those words makes them value the woman more than before. Also, it is one of the things guys like to hear in text messages.
3. You are handsome
Among what men want to hear from women, positive comments about how handsome they look are one of the major compliments. If your man looks good, you should not hesitate to remind him of how handsome he looks.
This compliment would boost his confidence and motivate him to always look good so that it can compliment his comely face.
Related Reading: Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend
4. You are sexy
There is a notable difference between being handsome and sexy. A guy might look handsome and not sexy and vice-versa. Any guy who is called sexy would be over the moon because it implies the lady is turned on by looking at or thinking about him.
If you want to make your guy proud, you can compliment his sexy looks and tell him how jealous you feel that other women acknowledge this. This statement is one of the top things guys love to hear.
5. You are different from other guys
If you tell a guy that nothing makes him different from other guys, it can deflate his ego.
Even though guys have similar attributes, no one likes to be identified with the rest of the pack, especially if it is negatively inclined. Telling a guy he is different from other guys will make him happy as he would put in more effort to be special and tailor-made for you.
6. Everything will be fine
There is nothing more comforting than knowing that your partner encourages you not to be heartbroken or depressed.
During hard times, telling a guy that everything will be fine gives him a better mood and a clearer mind. This allows him to make plans because it is one of the things guys like to hear.
Generally, guys do not forget women who support them during challenging times, and when you keep hearing everything will be fine, they will always be grateful.
Related Reading: Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend at Different Occasions
7. I only want you
In a relationship, partners need to hear some words from each other to guarantee the relationship’s progress. Hence, what men want to hear from a woman is “I only want you.” When the guy hears this statement, he is reassured that the woman wants to stick around forever.
This is one of the things guys like to hear as it helps to boost the guy’s confidence knowing that she would not follow another guy.
8. You make me happy
A relationship or marriage can be tough, and when times are hard, it is important that there is something to be happy about.
No woman wants to be in a relationship where her man does not make her happy and vice-versa. If your man makes you happy, you should not hesitate to tell him how happy he makes you feel.
This is one of the many words men love to hear because it helps them become a better partner.
9. I respect you
One of the major things men want from women is respect. A marriage where the man is respected breeds love for the wife, and the same goes for a relationship.
If you respect your husband, you should tell him from time to time because it is one of the things guys like to hear. For a relationship or marriage to work, both parties need to respect each other.
Check this video about the importance of respect in marriage:
Related Reading: Compliments for Men That They Love to Hear More Often
10. What do you think about this?
For a relationship to thrive, both partners need to be involved in each other’s affairs. Even though they have their personal lives, they should know what is occurring in each other’s lives.
If you have a situation on your hands, it is vital to let your man know. Hence, you can ask him, “what do you think about this?”
When a man hears that question, he feels respected and special because you didn’t keep it from him. Even though he cannot provide a direct solution, he might seek help on your behalf to solve the situation for you.
Hearing the statement “what do you think about this?” places value on the man, and in turn, he would treat his woman with mutual respect and love.
11. I am sorry
One of the reasons why relationships or marriages do not last long is because neither party sees the need to apologize. When an apology is made, both parties are at peace with each other, and they get back on track.
If you offend your man and you refuse to apologize, his ego could be bruised, and things would not be the same in the relationship. On the other hand, telling a man, I am sorry alongside sweet words, would melt his spirit because it is one of the things guys like to hear.
In addition, apologizing for an offense makes the relationship stronger as both parties understand each other more.
12. I trust you
It is normal for a lady to feel insecure sometimes in the relationship, and it is expedient for the guy to be as open as possible. Guys don’t like their women accusing them of things they didn’t do, particularly incidents hinged on cheating and the likes.
Trust is an important factor, and hence, if you have a man or a husband, it is important to ring in his ears that you trust him.
This statement is one of the things guys like to hear. When he hears this vote of confidence several times, he knows it would be inhumane to betray it, and he would caution himself when he is tempted.
Related Reading: Complimenting Your Man in Every Way
13. Let’s do it together
It is sweet music to a man’s ears when he hears “Let’s do it together,” as it is one of the things guys like to hear. Hearing this statement assures him that you support him fully to see him succeed. Even though you have no clue about what is going on, you can seek help for him.
A relationship thrives better when both parties are committed to being active team players. Also, it would be difficult for a relationship to work if only one individual is putting in all the effort while the other merely contributes.
14. Have a great time with your friends
Sometimes when hanging out with their friends, some men want to be sure they have your full support. Hence, what men want to hear in a text are words like “have a great time with your friends.”
These words have the deep meaning as it signifies trust and support. This is one of the things guys like to hear because it means their woman wants them not to misbehave and come home in one piece.
A man who has the support of his woman would ensure he doesn’t break her trust when he goes out with his friends.
15. You were great last night
Everyone loves to hear how they performed in bed with their partners, and for a man, hearing that from his girlfriend or wife means a lot. If you had a great sex time the previous night and you say nothing about it to your man the following morning, it leaves him wondering if you enjoyed it.
Hence, to quell his unspoken doubts, it is advised to say “you were great last night” or “you were on fire last night.”
Related Reading: Sweetest Things to Say to Your Husband
Before reading this article, if you have been confused about the right words to use that your guy would love to hear, you have another chance to make things right. When your guy does something you love, it is important to praise him. If he needs support and he cannot express himself, you should always remind him that he has a friend and a supporter in you.
Partners who tell each other what they like to hear are more likely to make the relationship work despite the odds.
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