The Marriage Quiz: How’s Your Partnership Going? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 77 | Updated: Nov 14, 2022
The Marriage Quiz: How’s Your Partnership Going?

Are you married? You don’t know how good is your marriage? Don’t worry. We have got you sorted. This is the time to analyze the dilemmas hovering around your marriage and figure out the condition of your bond with your partner.

Take this The Marriage Quiz and find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. How old are you?

A. 17

B. 18

C. 19

D. 20+

2. How long have you been together?

A. Over a year

B. Over a five years

C. Over a ten years

D. 20+

3. You are happy with every second of living together.

A. Yes

B. Kind of

C. I do not know

D. No

4. My partner is my best friend.

A. Yes, for sure

B. Sometimes

C. I don't know

D. No

5. We are  physically compatible.

A. 1 (strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4 (strongly disagree)

6. I remember all important dates of our relationship.

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. Don't know

D. No

7. My partner knows what is really important to me.

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Never

D. Rarely

8. Do you imagine yourself being with someone else?

A. Sometimes

B. No

C. Rarely

D. All the time

9. You are making long term plans together.

A. 1 (strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4 (strongly disagree)

10. You have reasonable and realistic marriage expectations.

A. Yes

B. Kind of

C. I don't know

D. No

11. Are you both emotionally intimate with each other?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. There are a few instances when we don’t feel so

D. Absolutely

12. Do you both inadvertently do tasks and chores the other hates?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Often

D. All the time

13. Do you both try to get into things the other likes?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Often

D. All the time

14. Do you both remember small details about the other?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Often

D. All the time

15. Do you both prefer to tell the good or bad news to each other first?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Often

D. All the time

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