Psychological Relationship Test Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1211 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Psychological Relationship Test
One thing that is interesting to evaluate is the psychology of a relationship. It is important because then, you will only know why you attract a certain type of person,  why your relationships don't work and why you often treat your partners the way you do. So, take our quiz and find out more about relationship psychology.

Questions Excerpt

1. How old were you when you fell in love for the first time?

A. 12

B. 8

C. 15

D. 22

2. How did you always imagined your lover, when you were younger?

A. Tall and handsome/beautiful.

B. Tall and kind.

C. Tall, good looking and rich.

D. Like a Hollywood star.

3. What is the best way to kiss someone for you?

A. Tongue kiss.

B. Rubbing lips.

C. Licking lips.

D. Locking tongue and lips.

4. How long do you normally wait before you start getting intimate with someone?

A. A week.

B. A few days.

C. A month.

D. 3 months.

5. What do you think about romance in a relationship?

A. It's essential to both men and women.

B. It is what spices up the relationship.

C. It is a great tool to please women.

D. It's boring.

6. Who is your biggest confidant?

A. Your mother

B. Your sibling

C. Your best friend

D. Your lover

7. What do you think is your best arm of seduction?

A. Your money

B. The way you speak

C. Your looks

D. Your charisma

8. What do you like the most about the people you are the most attracted to?

A. Their kindness

B. Their love for you

C. Their shyness

D. Their lack of experience

9. What was your longest relationship?

A. The one you had when you were a teenager.

B. The one you had when you were in your twenties.

C. The one you are having now.

D. You never had any.

10. What leads you to break up with your lovers?

A. Their lack of hygiene.

B. Their lies.

C. Their infidelities.

D. Their lack of money.

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