15 Signs You Are in a Stable Relationship & Ways to Maintain It
You can always tell when a couple is in a stable relationship. When you look at them together or apart, they appear satisfied, relaxed, comfortable, and happy. A stable relationship makes both partners thrive as individuals and enjoy their time together as a couple.
So, you can see when in the company of people who are lucky to be in such a relationship.
Yet, this isn’t something given only to the lucky few; all of us can work on our relationships and turn them into a thriving and motivating force in our lives.
Stable relationships, however, are much more than just looking happy. Stable relationships do not mean that there are no ups and downs in the marriage, but it is more about how much understanding there is to manage these ups and downs.
A stable relationship also has fewer ups and downs. While a couple in a stable relationship may fight, they will still be committed to making the marriage work. They also do not act as triggers for each other in any way.
What is a stable relationship?
A stable relationship meaning is one that is ‘stable,’ and does not cause you to question where the relationship is going, what it is, or what it means to either of you.
What is stability in a relationship, or what is relationship stability, you ask? It is when you and your partner have a baseline for your relationship, where it should not waver from, it is considered a stable relationship.
A stable relationship also means that if you waver from this baseline, you work healthily and together to come back or as close to the baseline as possible.
A stable relationship is also one to have explicit trust and healthy communication.
Why is stability important in a relationship?
A relationship is a mix of various factors. Most people are often found looking for passion, stability, and emotional health in a romantic relationship. Some people also believe that passion and stability in a relationship are exclusive to each other.
However, that might not be completely true. A passionate relationship can also be stable. But if a choice between a passionate relationship and a stable relationship arises, what will you choose?
In that case, stability in a relationship may be more important than passion. Passion may eventually fade away or not give you the same ‘high’ as it does in the beginning. However, stability can help your relationship thrive and sustain all the highs and lows, proving way more important than passion in the long run.
15 signs you are in a stable relationship
Here are some signs that your relationship is stable.
1. You show your feelings to each other
This means not only love and affection but anger and frustration as well. Stable relationships are not characterized by the absence of disagreement or discontent in some situations.
Happy couples are still humans and experience negative emotions like the rest of us. But, unlike in unhealthy relationships, partners in a stable relationship have an assertive way of communicating their feelings. That means they don’t withdraw, aren’t passive-aggressive, or plain aggressive for that matter, and don’t repress their emotions.
They express their discontent explicitly but respectfully and lovingly and work on the issues as a couple (not as boxing partners, as it usually happens in toxic relationships).
And this is something that works in both ways – not only does a stable relationship promote such healthy expression of the entire range of emotions, but if you start communicating your needs and views in an assertive manner, the relationship might also turn for the better.
Related Reading: 25 Signs of Unspoken Mutual Attraction Between Two People
2. Couples support each other’s growth as individuals
If you think of a person that you consider is in a stable and healthy relationship, you probably have a feeling of being in the presence of a fulfilled person, someone who is not only a part of a couple but is also a self-accomplished individual.
Unlike in unhealthy relationships, partners in stable relationships feel confident and safe. As a result, they don’t feel insecure when their partner is trying new things, advancing their career, or learning a new hobby.
When partners are insecure about each other and their partner’s commitment, they spend all their energy and train themselves to keep their partner as close as possible.
And their partner also can’t thrive in such an unsupportive environment and often might become an underachiever.
But when partners are confident, they tend to be very supportive and enthusiastic about their loved one’s growth and eager to share their new experiences – which leads to the next shared characteristic of all stable relationships.
3. Partners constantly reconnect and rediscover each other
And this is partly done by discussing one’s passions, interests, and newly learned skills and experiences. By sharing their inner world with their partner and by talking about how they spend their day (in detail, not just “Yeah, it was all right”), those in stable relationships keep rediscovering each other.
And, when one changes, as it inevitably happens with time, the other partner is not left out but was there for the process and gets a chance to adapt.
Another way to reconnect each day is to touch each other in a non-sexual way, which is something couples in a stable relationship do all the time. This means hugging, holding hands, and just touching and being close.
Interestingly, apart from sexual intercourse, which can both be pushed aside or remain a vital component of even unstable relationships, it is almost a rule that if a relationship is erratic, these signs of affection almost vanish.
4. They work on their marriage and love all the time
It may sound dull to those accustomed to unpredictable and “exciting” relationships, but this is a sign of both partners being emotionally mature enough to develop a genuine and healthy attachment. So, what does working on a relationship look like?
It’s implementing all of the above, and also being open, providing reassurance to your partner about your relationship, using your social life to provide additional support to the relationship, and also seeing commitment as a positive thing in which responsibilities that come with it are something to be accepted with joy.
Being in a stable relationship is not something that just happens (or doesn’t). It takes some effort to learn to develop as a part of a couple, but when you get it right, it’s the most rewarding experience possible for a lifetime.
5. Partners are best friends
In a stable relationship, both partners are each other’s best friends. However, a stable relationship also means your partner is not your only best friend. You have more friends, and your partner is also one of them.
One of the signs of stability in a relationship is that the basis of the relationship is friendship. You are friends first and lovers or spouses later.
When the relationship is based on friendship, it is stable because you feel you can trust each other explicitly, tell each other everything without judgment, and love each other irrespective of the flaws.
Related Reading: 15 Reasons to Marry Your Best Friend
6. You can let go of fights and disagreements
Another sign of a stable relationship is when both of you are able to get over, and let go, of disagreements and fights. This is because you can see where your partner is coming from, understand their point of view, and know that their intentions are always right.
7. You rely on each other
Reliance is another sign of a stable relationship. A relationship is stable when you both can rely on each other. You must trust your partner to do things right or count on them to be there for you when things are not the best or the relationship can be stable.
In a stable relationship, partners know that their spouse has got them, no matter what.
8. You do not try to be right
Arguments or disagreements in relationships are okay. While the two of you may not see eye to eye on something, you do not care about being right or even trying to be the right one in a disagreement.
You understand that one of the signs of a stable relationship is that it is the two of you against the problem and not the two of you against each other.
9. There are no toxic signs
Another sign of a stable relationship is when there are no signs of toxicity in a relationship or marriage. This means that you do not gaslight each other, treat each other badly, or give each other silent treatments. This helps your relationship stay healthy and stable.
10. You are both predictable
This does not mean you are boring. Being predictable means you both know how the other person will react in any situation. Another sign of stability in a relationship is when you are both predictable but not boring and only for each other.
Related Reading: 15 Signs of a Boring Relationship
11. You fight fair
Another sign of a stable relationship is when you fight fair. When the two of you disagree or argue, you do not make it dirty. You do not bring up things that are not needed in this fight and only bring up solutions that can help.
12. You speak each other’s love language®
Love languages® is a popular concept. In a stable relationship, you both understand each other’s love language and try to express your love in a way that your partner understands and feels loved.
13. You are involved in each other’s lives
Another sign of a stable relationship is when you are involved in each other’s lives. This means that you take part in each other’s decisions, give your opinion about things that matter, and give each other advice to help a situation.
14. They stand up for you
Couples in a stable relationship have each other’s backs and stand up for you. Whether in a social setting or a family gathering, they will speak up for you in case the need arises.
15. You have couple rituals
How to become stable in a relationship? Have some couple rituals.
Another sign of a stable relationship is when you both have rituals as a couple. It could be simple – such as a weekly date night, or something grand such as an exotic weekly vacation.
If both of you have been around each other for a long time, long enough to have rituals, your relationship is most likely stable.
To learn more about stability in relationships, watch this video.
How do you maintain a stable relationship?
What are some ways to maintain a stable relationship – this may be one of the questions you ask yourself, especially when you understand the importance of a stable relationship.
To build a stable relationship, you must ensure that the two of you and your relationship exhibit all the signs of a stable relationship.
To build a stable relationship, ensure that both of you are stable people, you prioritize each other, trust and respect each other, and more.
To know more about 5 ways to maintain a stable relationship, read here.
What three things make relationships better?
Three things that make a relationship better are trust, communication, and love. Stability in a relationship is a by-product of these factors in a relationship. Trust, communication, and love can make a relationship better in every way.
The takeaway
Stability in a relationship is extremely important. It is one factor that affects other things in the relationship as well. You should know the signs of a stable relationship to find a stable and healthy relationship.
At the same time, if you cannot find stability in your relationship, you can also look at options from professionals. Taking help from a relationship therapist can considerably help make your relationship stable if it is something you are struggling with.
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