25 Reasons Why My Husband Is My Best Friend

When you have a best friendship in addition to a romantic partnership or marriage, there are advantages in the fact you can speak vulnerably, openly without fear of judgment or expectations. There’s also the responsibility of providing the same in return.
When you say my husband is my best friend, it can mean doing everything together, spending every moment with each other, whether as shopping buddies or simply hanging out.
Still, is that genuinely healthy for a relationship
? Relying on one person to be your best friend, confident, and lover is a tall order when you should have some mystery and indeed time apart with other friends.
Placing your capacity for happiness on one person can eventually be a letdown, putting a lot of pressure and responsibility on a partner when you each must have independence and separate lives that don’t involve each other.
What makes your husband your best friend?
The thing that makes a spouse a best friend is the fact that you understand the romantic partnership is the primary foundation for the two of you being together, with the friendship being a perk.
When you can have outside interests, other friends, and come back together to share what happens when you’re apart, that’s a healthy best friendship. You don’t have to enjoy all the same things; that’s even true of outside friendships.
Each person has unique things they bring to the partnership that make it special. When you can celebrate those differences and maintain a closeness that equates to a loving partnership not only inclusive of friendship but support and respect.
Related Reading: 5 Secrets to Becoming Your Spouse’s Best Friend
Is it normal for your husband to be your best friend?
Many mates would say their husband is my best friend, and that’s completely normal. When you’re together through tough times, good times, enjoying the day-to-day together, a best friendship is sure to establish.
If the “best friend’ closeness or bond doesn’t develop, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It merely tells your focus is more on the romantic partnership, and that’s okay. Each relationship is unique, and all couples evolve their union differently.
Do best friends make good couples?
Best friends make good couples, but a delicate balance needs to be maintained between the friendship and a romantic relationship. You don’t want to make the partnership focus on the best friend component and forget that, first and foremost, you’re a passionate, in-love, sexual couple.
Suppose you let the couple best friend relationship take over other aspects of the union. In that case, you could ultimately let the other elements wane, finding yourself wondering what happened to the spark.
Related Reading: 5 Characteristics of Happy Couples
25 reasons why my husband is my best friend
When you can say you have a healthy best friend relationship with your husband, meaning you each have independence outside of the partnership plus other meaningful friendships, it can make for the happiest marriage or relationship.
It means you share intimate, open communication and find many wonderful activities to enjoy together. So, how do you identify your husband as your best mate? Let’s read.
1. One of the first people you want to share with
You know “my husband is my best friend” when you want to immediately share the good news with your mate. There is good communication between the two of you, and each of you has a healthy desire to share details on your lives.
2. There is no greater trust than with your spouse
Your best friend husband has grown to be one of the people you trust implicitly among your group of friends. You have no fear of sharing intimate secrets for fear of being judged or called out to other people.
3. Harmless jokes are part of your fun
A little harmless fun keeps each of you laughing and reminds you why do best friends make good couples. When you can tease, joke, and mock, there’s never a dull moment allowing the relationship to stay fresh and fun. These are the reasons you can say my husband is my best friend.
Related Reading: 10 Reasons Why Couples Who Play Together, Stay Together
4. Your mate is an aggressive defense system for you
You know you can declare “my husband, my best friend” when you need your honor to be defended in a bad situation and your mate protects your stance.
Sometimes it’s essential that a partner simply listen when there’s an issue, and other times it’s vital to have someone in your corner. That speaks to the reasons why my husband is my best friend.
5. Love and friendship don’t see bad days
Even when you’re unpleasant, you can find reasons why my husband is my best friend, mostly because your mate will be accepting of your foul mood and all. Instead, your partner wants to listen as you discuss what’s happened to cause this issue, not necessarily fix it but lend an ear.
6. Flaws and quirks are seen as unique and appreciated
You can say my husband is my best friend because each of you is accepting of the little eccentricities that make each of you unique, appreciating these character traits as special and a reason for strengthening the friendship.
7. Advice is ideal from a best friend
You love “my husband is my best friend” because when you need advice, your mate becomes an impartial person who can offer the best advice without passing judgment, only seeing the picture as someone putting themselves in the scenario.
8. Good listeners
Communicating is a skill that friends and romantic partners need. Should your partner be your best friend, each of you must be an active listener when voicing potential concerns where someone needs to be heard, hearing with only empathy and patience.
9. No judgment
No matter what secrets you might share or the mistakes you might make when you say my husband is my best friend, there is never any judgment, only understanding, and acceptance.
10. Experiencing everything together
My husband is my lover, and my best friend means that you want to experience everything that goes on in life together regardless of where you travel or what happens; you prefer their presence even if that’s not possible. Every adventure needs to occur as a team.
11. You understand each other better than others
When you have my best friend is my husband, each of you has a deeper understanding of each other than you do of anyone else. You have mutual respect and feel that the partnership takes two people to thrive.
Check out this video to build better understanding in the relationship and make your relationship healthy:
12. You’re genuinely happy
Each of you desires to make the other person happy and feel that your mate is one of the people who does that when you spend time together, which is one reason you find my husband is my best friend.
13. There is a component of surprise to the partnership
The partnership is a two-way street in the fact each of you is always finding ways to surprise the other person making each day fresh and exciting, whether it be tickets to a show, a home-cooked dinner, or a note with lunch expressing your feelings. That friendship component brings so much to the romantic aspect.
Related Reading: 10 Ways to Thrill and Surprise Your Special Someone
14. Silliness is okay with best friends
When you say, my husband is my best friend; you can be silly with your mate and not feel awkward. Some days we want to geek down or not have to be on our pretense; when you’re with someone who can be equally comfortable in their skin, it feels good to let go.
15. Supportive and your biggest cheerleader
Mates want to express that my husband is my best friend, my most outstanding support. Not everyone is always confident they can get that promotion or step outside their comfort zone to try that new interest or take the steps towards a dream.
A best friend and partner will motivate and encourage growth. You’ll find no greater support system and vice versa.
16. Time apart is hard
When “my husband is my best friend,” it can be difficult if that translates to them being your entire world. That can mean time spent apart is difficult, to say the least. That’s why it’s essential to ensure you have independence and other friendships outside the partnership.
17. You love each other’s friends
While you don’t interact with each other’s friends regularly because you enjoy time apart to do your own things, you have met and spent time together. They love and accept you because they can see why your spouse would be friends with you, and you get along with them for the same reasons.
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18. You speak without speaking
When you have the kind of partnership where my husband is my best friend, there’s a deeper layer to the point you can merely look at each other and understand what the other person is thinking without saying anything.
19. There’s never an embarrassment
Sometimes mates have an issue taking their partners out to social events at work or other gatherings, afraid they might embarrass them somehow with their colleagues. That doesn’t happen when you find my husband is my best friend.
There’s such mutual love and respect – that just doesn’t happen.
20. Rough patches or challenging times are easier to handle
When you’re best friends, you’ll still go through periods of challenges in the marriage or partnership and even rough patches. The good thing about being best friends is you can balance each other when things are tough and have an incredible sense of communication.
One of you will likely be the stronger of the two; one will be more likely to need support being prone to falling apart. That’s where balance comes in.
21. You argue respectfully
In that same vein, your arguments are respectful and constructive instead of a nasty blow-up fight. You can discuss the disagreement and come to the point of either agreeing to disagree or compromise.
22. No matter where you are, your mate is home
Regardless of whether you’re traveling and staying in lodging or bunking with friends for the weekend, no matter where you stay, if your mate is there, it feels like home.
23. There’s a strong like for each other
While you can love each other in a romantic partnership, there’s not always a strong like for the other person. When you’re best friends, you indeed like the other person and enjoy the time you spend together with no matter what you do together – even if it’s merely errands.
24. Affection is never an issue
Affection is not necessarily sex. As the years go by, affection can mean numerous things, but one of the primary things is having that togetherness, ensuring there’s a “hello” in the morning when you wake up and a “good night” before sleep.
It is constantly being mindful of the other person’s presence and appreciating it, whether with a hug, a kiss, or just a swipe across the back.
Related Reading: 13 Easy Ways to Show Your Affection in a Relationship
25. Past histories are not an issue
You know you’re best friends when you’ve shared each other’s past histories, and there’s no repercussions or negativity or baggage that either of you are carrying from any of it. It is good for each of you to be able to talk to each other about the past and let it go.
How do I become my husband’s best friend?
Friendship can be one of the essential elements for marriage or partnerships. It starts with having certain commonalities and building on those. It can take time and patience to develop if you don’t naturally have it.
It would help if you established time to concentrate on the dynamics of becoming best friends each week, whether it be a date night or spending quality time a few hours each evening exploring the other person’s interests. That can take some sacrifice but learn what they’re passionate about and vice versa.
Ensure that you develop a communicative, transparent, and respectful dialogue with each other and use that in every conversation, whether a disagreement, everyday discussion, any time you speak with each other.
Over time the bond will develop, you’ll become closer, and you’ll feel like ‘My husband is my best friend.’ A worthwhile book to check out on the topic is “Becoming Your Husband’s Best Friend – Secrets To Loving The Man You Married,” David and Lisa Frisbie.
Final thought
If you’re concerned that a friendship is just not happening in your marriage or partnership or if you’re unhappy, it’s vital to reach out for counseling to see if there’s a way to salvage what you have.
Anytime someone speaks that they’re unhappy or don’t necessarily like their spouse, that’s a call for help.
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