Does Your Marriage Still Have A Fighting Chance Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 41 | Updated: Dec 23, 2022
 Does Your Marriage Still Have a Fighting Chance Quiz?

There is no marriage without turbulence and conflict at some moment.

This is not always bad, but it's important to be aware of the signs that a marriage is in trouble so that you can get help before it's too late.

But sometimes, problems are so serious you wonder if it’s still worth fighting for. Is it your case too? We assure you that it is not always necessary to give up on your marriage. You just have to know how to save it.

Take this Does Your Marriage Still Have a Fighting Chance quiz to find out if your marriage can be saved.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you dislike your partner’s personality and habits?

A. Definitely

B. Somewhat

C. A bit

D. Not at all

2. What do you think about couple counseling?

A. It can't help us

B. It could be a good idea

C. I like the idea

D. We are already seeing a therapist

3. What do you think is a good solution for your marriage problems?

A. Divorce

B. Spending some time apart

C. Talking about our issues

D. Spending more time together and getting involved

4. Is there a third person affecting your marriage?

A. There are two, actually

B. There is one

C. Not that I know of

D. Definitely not

5. How much do you trust your partner?

A. Not at all

B. So-so

C. Pretty much

D. I trust him or her completely

6. How is your sexual compatibility?

A. A disaster

B. It could be improved

C. Pretty good

D. Excellent

7. Have you been through many stressful situations, such as financial crisis or relocation?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

8. How often have you two abused each one’s trust through affairs, hiding assets, or lying?

A. Often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

9. How often do you go on a date or spend quality time together?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Often

10. Do you say sorry when you hurt each other?

A. No, we find it hard to apologize

B. Not very often

C. Sometimes

D. Every time

11. Has either of you ever cheated on the other partner?

A. Yes, we both have

B. Yes, once in the past

C. I am not sure

D. No

12. Do you both help each other when the other partner is stuck?

A. We are hardly together to do that

B. Sometimes

C. When the other partner asks

D. Yes, always

13. How often do you both appreciate each other?

A. I don't remember the last time we did

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Often

14. Do you both want to work on your marriage?

A. Not really

B. I want to

C. The feeling fluctuates

D. Yes

15. You can’t picture your life without each other. True or false?

A. False

B. Mostly true

C. Mostly false

D. True

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