10 Aquarius Sign Traits Reveal How Fabulous an Aquarian Is

Aquarians are known for being innovative, revolutionary, and bold.
The Aquarians’ frankly interesting and sometimes ‘crazy’ image can be as pioneering as their mind yet there’s also something so sweet and captivating about an Aquarian.
1. Crazy and forward thinking
Maybe it’s the contrast between their crazy, forward-thinking, and outspoken ways combined with their kind heart and genuine care for humankind that throws off the senses. But there’s something incredibly quirky and delightfully captivating about an Aquarian.
Aquarians are like an unusual cocktail of wonderful flavors and calming properties that you can’t quite place.
If only people would look past the wild outfits, and ‘out there ideas’ to see them in all of their glory.
2. Revolutionary
One of the most well known Aquarian traits is that they are revolutionary. They see further into the future than most other signs and readily adopt new tech, trends, and ideas.
3. Trendsetters
If you want to know what’s going to be hitting the mainstream in the future, take a look at what an Aquarian is focused on.
Even though not everything that an Aquarian is interested in will become popular or even relevant, you can be sure that everything that is relevant was probably adopted by an Aquarian first!
Aquarians have their fingers on the pulse that’s for sure.
4. Humanitarian
Aquarians are known for their compassion toward humanity.
Everything that they do, or create will be inspired in some way toward humanitarian efforts. But not necessarily in the way, we might all consider humanitarian efforts to be.
Of course, there will be some Aquarians who undertake common philanthropic practices, but others will contribute to humanity in more eccentric ways, such as through the use of technology, or by creating a trend or a different and unique way to solve a problem.
These approaches might not necessarily seem to be humanitarian focused, but there will always be something on the Aquarians mind that they are trying to do for humanity, whether it’s just to teach people to remain joyful and live their best life, or to raise awareness about an important issue.
5. A vital sign in the zodiac
Aquarians, maintain the equilibrium of the whole zodiac while helping it to move forward.
This is why the zodiac wouldn’t be well balanced without the Aquarians there to keep everyone moving forward successfully.
6. Sensitive & bewildered but bold
Because Aquarians are bold and somewhat eccentric, they can often be mistaken to be bold by nature too.
In some ways they are, but they are the only air sign that represents water too (they are the water bearer) it’s vital for an Aquarian to maintain an emotional balance, not just for themselves but for everyone. And so, when others don’t understand their cause (which serves everyone), or why they would do and think the way they do, Aquarians can become bewildered and will be seen saying things like ‘I just don’t get it.’
It will hurt and confuse the Aquarian if they are not understood because their intentions are usually always good and for the benefit of everyone.
But it won’t stop them from continuing with their mission for they are also extremely wise and able to realize that one-day people might see what they were trying to do with the help of hindsight.
7. Can blow fiercely
Aquarians need to attain a balance of emotion, which isn’t always possible for them.
They’ll take quite a lot before they become frustrated but when they do, you’ll want to get out of the way.
The Aquarian can become explosive and extremely fierce when things become too hot for them to handle.
Problems usually arise when their compassionate nature and revolutionary ways (that they see as being normal) are challenged too often or if the trust has been broken once too often. In these situations, the Aquarian will find it difficult to achieve a sense of equilibrium and so instead will let off some (a lot) steam.
8. Don’t blow your trust
When it’s all over though, there are no hard feelings, unless the Aquarian feels as though they have been crossed, and trust has been compromised.
In such case, that relationship is likely to be over.
Trust and camaraderie are vital traits for an Aquarian.
If you can’t stand by your integrity and instead blow your trust, then you are out. This is down to the Aquarians need to change the world for the better and the immense value that they place on their friendships.
9. Squad goals
It’s not unusual to find an Aquarian hanging out with an eclectic mix of people, but it is rare to see an Aquarian without a ‘squad.’ These people who remain close to the Aquarian will be or will become long-standing friends.
Aquarians are incredibly friendly and are warm and loving to pretty much anyone who wants to get to know them.
Aquarians make great and interesting friends. Just don’t cross them.
10. Discerning with incredible foresight
When we talk about not crossing an Aquarian, we don’t mean that you have to pander to their every word, or even agree to their creative ventures and bold ways.
Aquarians don’t expect that at all, and they’ll easily respect your honesty and diverse opinions as long as they are fair and come from a place of integrity.
It takes a lot to push an Aquarian away (or to be pushed out of the Aquarians circle which is probably more accurate) to do so, you’d have to intentionally do something bad to compromise the trust and camaraderie you have built with an Aquarian.
If you share their closest secrets, talk badly about them, disrespect their property, or use them for your gain, you’ll only do it once and then you’ll be out unless you have a very good reason for it.
Also, if you don’t have a strong sense of integrity and fair morals in the first place, they’ll see right through you, and you’ll never get in!
As we said, Aquarians are wise and have great foresight.
Aquarians are known for being great visionaries and incredibly kind people.
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