What Is a Karmic Relationship? 13 Signs & How to Break Free
Do you believe in karma? Do you believe that we are all meant to learn life lessons? If you do, then you may have already heard of the word karmic relationship but how familiar are you with its meaning, signs, and all the terms associated with this type of relationship.
If you are someone who believes in karma, fate, and soulmates then you have to fully understand what it means and everything related to it.
What is a karmic relationship?
The term comes from the root word karma which means action, deed, or work. Most commonly associated with the principle of cause and effect of a person where every action that you do will influence your future – good or bad.
Now, such relationships are there to teach you important lessons that you haven’t learned from your past life. It is said that the reason why these relationships are so intense is that your karmic soulmate would have known you in a past life.
They are only here to teach you the lessons that you failed to learn but aren’t here to stay in your life.
It is said that these types of relationships are extremely challenging and will give you the biggest heartbreaks and are considered dangerous by some but why do we still go through not one but sometimes many such relationships?
Related Reading: Different Types of Interpersonal Relationships
Purpose of a karmic relationship
The purpose of karmic love relationships is to learn how to heal by breaking the cycles of bad behavior from past lifetimes.
There are lessons that we have to learn and sometimes, the only reason to understand these life lessons is to be connected to this person again in another lifetime.
It may feel like they are the one because of that deep connection you feel but you have to accept that these relationships are only there to teach you important life lessons.
You will only be able to move on and be stronger, more confident once you have seen and learned your lesson and will give way to meeting your real soulmate.
Karmic relationship vs twin flame
You may think that a karmic relationship is the same as a twin flame but it’s not. It may be hard to tell the difference at first but once you get yourself familiarized with the real meaning of the karmic relationship and its signs, then you’ll see why they are not the same.
Karmic relationships and twin-flame relationships are often confused with each other because both relationships have the same intense attraction and emotional connection but there are major characteristics between the two that sets them far apart.
- Karmic relationship symptoms will include selfishness and will not last however, in a twin flame relationship, partners can experience healing and giving.
- Couples get bogged down in karmic relationships while in twin flame karma partners help each other grow and evolve.
- Karmic relationships nudge couples in a downward spiral whereas a twin flame help overcome their karmic issues.
The only aim of a karmic relationship is to teach you a lesson, to help you grow, and to help you mature through not-so-pleasant experiences so don’t expect it to last.
Related Reading: How Twin Flame Relationships Work
Also watch: 10 signs you’ve found your twin flame.
13 karmic relationship signs
1. Repeating patterns
Do you ever wonder why it seems like your relationship issues never end? That it seems that you’re going round in circles when it comes to your relationship problems and why you never seem to grow out of it?
The reason is that the only way to grow is to let go. You’re not really learning your lesson that’s why it’s a repeating process.
2. Problems from the start
Do you find yourself fighting and making up afterward since the beginning of your relationship? Do you feel that your partner is controlling, or even outright mean?
Be cautious and consider whether this is a greater issue that you should manage now before things get out of hand.
3. Selfishness
These relationships are selfish and aren’t really healthy. Jealousy is one of the major emotions controlling the relationship and eating away any chance of growth. In this relationship, it’s all about your own gain and in the long run, becomes an unhealthy relationship.
4. Addictive and possessive
Another part of being in such a relationship is that it may seem addictive at first, even recent research suggests that romantic love can be literally addictive.
It’s like you are drawn to your partner in a very strong force that being with them is like an addiction and thus will make you possessive and selfish.
5. An emotional rollercoaster
Are you happy one moment and miserable the next? Does it feel like that some disaster is about to happen just around the corner?
Things are never reliable, and while you may have great days, where everything appears to be perfect, there’s a piece of you that knows it won’t be long until things go south.
6. You and your partner against the world
Do you ever get the feeling that even when everything seems to be unhealthy and abusive that you feel that it’s just a test of love? That it’s you and your partner against all odds?
7. Dependency
Another unhealthy sign of this type of relationship is that you feel that you can’t function without this person which builds up mental, physical, and emotional dependency.
8. Miscommunication
Such a relationship is a perfect example of communication gone wrong between a couple. Even though you still might have good days where you feel in sync with each other but for the most part you always seem to be talking about something different.
Related Reading: How Miscommunication Causes Conflicts
9. Abusiveness
Yes, you’ve read it correctly. Such relationships are often abusive. They tend to bring out the worst in you. Abuse comes in many ways and you might find yourself in one even if you don’t accept it yet.
10. Feeling of exhaustion
The extreme nature of such relationships can prove to be very exhausting. Constant conflicts, miscommunication, and codependencies are both emotionally and physically exhausting.
11. Unpredictable
Such relationships are often considered unpredictable because of recurring issues and problems. It’s also tumultuous and unstable. You’ll find yourself lost and drained.
12.Inability to end the relationship
To some extent, both of you might want to end the relationship, but you can’t seem to resist staying or getting back together. You may feel dependent on the relationship or feel addicted to your partner.
Some people might even feel terrified of what will occur and who they will turn out to be if they end the relationship.
13. It won’t last
These relationships don’t last and that’s the main reason for it – once you have learned your lesson – moving on won’t be so hard. No matter how hard you try to justify or believe that it’s true love, an extremely unhealthy relationship won’t last.
What to do when karmic relationships turn toxic
As we have already established karmic connections can turn toxic very quickly. So first of all. In case you’re in a circumstance that is toxic for you or it feels like it could turn toxic later, leave at the earliest opportunity.
Leaving a karmic relationship can be troublesome and breaking off from it is a long way from simple.
Ending karmic relationships requires you to end the karma associated with it.
To cut off this relationship, you need to take care of your Karmic obligation to the next individual or potentially learn what you needed from your relationship. Whenever you achieve that, you are free.
How to walk away from and end a karmic relationship
Here are some things you can do to end the painful cycle of a karmic relationship:
- Voice out your concerns when you feel your partner has crossed a line.
- If your partner is attacking or picking on you, you need to tell them to stop.
- If they hurt you or treat you unfairly tell your partner that they are not allowed to treat you that way.
- Take responsibility for your actions to become stronger.
- Ensure that you embrace all your new experiences.
- Don’t avoid confrontations as that would eat you up from the inside.
- Try meditation or other relaxation techniques.
Final words
Healing is possible but only once the relationship stops. This may be very hard for some as both souls are bonded by a strong force even with all the negativity present.
Remember that the beginning of healing takes place once the other person leaves the relationship. Once that has been done and you have learned your life lessons, the healing process should be respected as it requires time.
One needs to heal not just emotionally but also physically and psychologically. Rebuild the energy that was once lost and be whole again. Don’t rush into another relationship because the negativity of the previous one will only be carried over.
Allow your heart and your life to heal. Remember to seal off any remaining energy from your karmic bond. Once you have absorbed your karmic mission and have learned your lesson, that’s the time that your relationship ends and you can move on and start anew.
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