Am I Having An Emotional Affair Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4220 | Updated: May 17, 2024
Am I Having an Emotional Affair Quiz

Just enjoying the company of another person doesn’t count as cheating, right? What if you feel attraction for him or her just on the basis of your emotional understanding? Answer the following questions to find out if you’re having an emotional affair with someone.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you think about this person?

A. Maybe once a day

B. Every couple of hours

C. Every hour

D. All the time

2. What do you talk about with him or her?

A. Weather and general topics

B. Stuff that's happening at work

C. Hobbies

D. My most intimate thoughts

3. Does this person know about your marital status and spouse?

A. Yes. There are no secrets

B. I think they know

C. I never shared with them

D. I don't want them to know

4. What do you complain about to your friend?

A. General issues

B. Work and house chores

C. Conflicts with other people

D. My partner and personal life

5. How do you prepare before meeting this person?

A. I don’t do anything special

B. I dress casually but take care to look good

C. I put on my best outfit

D. I take good care of my appearance and maybe buy a gift for them

6. How do you act when the other person is around?

A. I act normally

B. I am in a good mood

C. I am happy

D. I have butterflies and find it difficult to concentrate

7. How is your relationship with your partner?

A. We are doing fine

B. We have some issues but nothing serious

C. We don't get on very well

D. We fight all the time and avoid each other

8. How do you feel about your friendship with this person?

A. I don’t feel guilty at all

B. Sometimes I think it would be better to put an end to it

C. I can’t help interacting with this person

D. I feel guilty and hide it from my partner

9. How do you feel when you haven’t spoken to your friend for days?

A. It doesn't bother me at all

B. Slightly disappointed

C. I feel like something is missing

D. I feel incomplete and anxious

10. What do you feel when the other person is paying you a compliment?

A. I don't believe them or ignore it

B. I don't take it very seriously

C. I am pleased

D. I feel like the compliment has made my day

11. Do you call or text this person randomly?

A. No, only when I have something to talk about

B. Rarely

C. Yes, whenever I feel like talking to them

D. Yes, often

12. Do you bring them gifts?

A. Only on their birthdays

B. On all special occasions

C. Yes, sometimes

D. Yes, often

13. Are you protective of your conversations with this person?

A. Not at all

B. Not really

C. Some bit of it

D. Yes, mostly

14. Do you mind your body language when you’re with your friend?

A. No, I'm usual

B. I just stay presentable

C. Yes, I get careful

D. Yes, I get nervous

15. Do you look forward to talking to or meeting with your friend?

A. Not really

B. A bit

C. Yes, sometimes

D. Yes, always

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