Test The Trust Between You And Your Partner Quiz

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1054 | Updated: Sep 07, 2022
 Test the Trust Between You and Your Partner Quiz

Trust should stay at the foundation of every successful and fulfilling relationship. However, many people check their partner’s phone or feel worried when their significant one calls to say they are working one evening overtime. In some cases, this happens because the partner can’t be trusted, and in other cases, the one playing the detective has some confidence issues. What about you? How much do you trust your partner?

Take this quiz to test the trust between you and your partner to understand if you need to work on your relationship to improve it.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you ever checked your partner’s phone?

A. Never

B. Once or twice

C. Occasionally

D. Yes, I do it often

2. How do you feel when your partner calls to say they will be late at work?

A. Absolutely fine

B. A bit annoyed

C. Worried

D. Angry and jealous

3. Your partner has a new co-worker – how does this affect you?

A. In no way

B. I feel a bit worried

C. I start to experience anxiety

D. I know they will flirt with them

4. Your partner tells you they are going out tonight with friends. What is your response?

A. Have fun!

B. I will miss you!

C. Don't stay out too late!

D. Are you sure that's what you should be doing?

5. Would you like to be able to control what your partner is doing?

A. No way

B. A bit

C. Probably

D. Definitely

6. You have no idea about your partner’s whereabouts for several hours. Does this bother you?

A. Not at all

B. Just a bit

C. Moderately

D. A lot

7. Your partner tells you they are going to a business trip. What do you do?

A. Enjoy my time alone

B. Think about them every once in a while

C. Feel neglected

D. Call to their hotel to check if they are telling the truth

8. Let’s say you think of checking your partner’s phone. What do you expect to find?

A. Just normal stuff

B. Conversations with friends

C. Flirting evidence

D. I don't even want to think about it

9. How often do you check your partner’s social media?

A. Almost never

B. Occasionally

C. Often

D. Every day

10. What percentage of your partner’s actions do you question?

A. Less than 10

B. Around 25

C. Around 50

D. Towards 100

11. Is your partner a friend to you?

A. Yes

B. Most of the time

C. Barely

D. Never

12. Do you rely on your partner when sad or angry?

A. Strongly agree

B. Somewhat yes

C. Somewhat no

D. Strongly disagree

13. Do you feel comfortable expressing things that you are generally ashamed of?

A. Yes

B. Almost everything

C. A few things

D. No

14. Do you believe your partner will always support you?

A. Yes

B. I think so

C. I doubt

D. I don’t think so

15. When you are with your partner, do you feel secure around new situations?

A. Yes

B. I believe so

C. I don’t think so

D. Absolutely not

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