Do I Struggle With Trust Issues Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1340 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Do I Struggle With Trust Issues Quiz
Trust issues can cause very significant problems in all of your relationships in your life. It could be a major obstacle in forming positive connections with people and developing a deeper level of intimacy. This is often the result of issues in past relationships with romantic partners or with your parents. Still, deep-rooted trust issues can continue to affect all of your relationships in the future if they are not resolved. Trust issues make it very hard to have meaningful and successful relationships. You can not make yourself vulnerable or open yourself up fully to other people out of fear that they will hurt you or let you down. If you are wondering if you have trust issues affecting your relationships, take this quiz today to find out the truth.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you tend to not trust people who never even gave you a reason to not trust them?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

2. Do you feel like you always end up with people who show signs of being untrustworthy, but you trust them anyway?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

3. Do you require for people to earn your trust before you will trust them or do you tend to trust too quickly?

A. I tend to trust too quickly

B. Trust should be earned, and it is hard to earn mine

C. I trust when someone earns it

4. Are you guarded with your thoughts and feelings when you first meet someone?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

5. Are your relationships more inward about your true self or shallow about more external things?

A. Definitely Shallow

B. It depends on the person, I am very selective with who I open myself up to

C. I try to develop deeper connections with people

6. Do you ever feel like you are trapped in a world that you don’t belong in?

A. Yes, all of the time

B. Sometimes

C. No, not really

7. Do you ever feel lonely or like an outcast because of the difficulty you have trusting people?

A. Yes

B. Not really with trust specifically, but just because it’s hard to find someone worth my time and energy

C. No

8. How would people describe you?

A. Self-righteous and unforgiving

B. Picky and hard to please

C. Easy to get along with

9. Do you always jump to conclusions or think everything is happening in the worst possible scenario instead of being optimistic and giving people the benefit of the doubt?

A. I always perceive the worst is going to happen

B. I am sometimes skeptical, but try to give people the benefit of the doubt

C. I feel like I am motley optimistic

10. Do you believe betrayal is inevitable in all relationships?

A. Yes

B. Not really, I just haven’t found the right one

C. Definitely not

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