Can You Tell If You Are A Sociopath? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 29 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Can You Tell If You Are A Sociopath?
People with sociopathic tendencies are often described as people who are extremely antisocial and who have no regrets or no sense of responsibility for their actions. There are many undetected people who act cruelly towards their peers,and don’t even regret it, despite being confronted about their behaviors. It’s normally once they encounter a huge problem that their true nature emerges and gets exposed to people. So, do you think you are a sociopath? If you suspect that you are one take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you think your behavior scares people?

A. Yes, probably

B. Yes, most of the time

C. No, not really

D. Sometimes

2. Have you ever been labeled as psychotic before?

A. Not really

B. No

C. Yes

D. Sometimes

3. Do you think your lover is scared of you because of your psychotic ways?

A. Yes

B. No

C. It is possible because they prefer avoiding you when you are angry

D. No, because they accept you as you are

4. Have you ever felt the need to be medicated to calm your lack of empathy for the world?

A. Yes

B. No

C. You used to but not anymore

D. You were recommended to see a specialist but you never did

5. What is the worst you’ve ever thought of doing?

A. Killing someone

B. Putting a bomb in a building

C. Strangling someone

D. You generally don't have these types of thoughts

6. How would you define yourself in a few words?

A. Antisocial

B. Sad

C. Depressed

D. Just a normal person who loves life

7. How fast do you think it gets you to be very angry at someone?

A. Just a few minutes

B. A few hours

C. It depends on what causes the anger

D. You normally don't succumb to anger

8. Do Your Remember how it felt the first time you fell in love?

A. Yes, like it was yesterday

B. No, not really and you don't see why you should

C. Sometimes you think about, but it's the past so you don't really care that much

D. You used to but not anymore

9. Who do you consider to be the most important person in your life?

A. Yourself

B. Your mom

C. Your pet

D. Actually nobody

10. Are you concerned about what people think about you?

A. Yes, very much

B. Sometimes

C. Not really because according to you they are all losers

D. You are only concerned when your interests are being threatened

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