What Is Wrong With Me Mentally Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1830 | Updated: Apr 06, 2022
What Is Wrong With Me Mentally Quiz
Have you ever felt dissimilar to others? At least, in terms of thought. We can feel very different from others at times. This is related to the desire to measure ourselves. We wonder if we've got a problem. Is that correct? This What Is Wrong With Me Mentally Quiz may provide you with some insight.

Questions Excerpt

1. You wake up in the middle of the night hearing voices. What do you believe it is?

A. It's most likely just the neighbors talking. My house has very thin walls

B. It's most likely a radio, TV, or laptop that was left on. That's something I'm always doing

C. It could be burglars planning how to best rob me. I should go get my phone and call the cops

2. You've just finished cleaning up the kitchen after dinner when you notice a blob of something unidentifiable on the work surface. How do you respond?

A. Ignore it. I just finished all of the laundry, and it's only a small lump. I'm not expecting the Queen

B. Wipe it down with a kitchen towel or cloth. It's pointless to leave a job unfinished

C. Taste it by dabbing it on your finger. It's obviously something I've prepared, so it must be safe, and I'm intrigued

3. Someone makes a derogatory remark about you, which you overhear. What reaction do you have?

A. Ignore it. After all, who cares what other people think?

B. Examine my overall behavior to determine whether or not what they said was correct

C. Charge up to the individual and demand to know what they meant

4. What is the best way to describe your memory?

A. Extremely dependable

B. Reasonably dependable

C. Untrustworthy

5. Your college friend contacts you and requests a meeting place, recommending a well-known and expensive restaurant. How do you respond?

A. Agree on a meeting time. Any reason to re-establish a friendship is valid

B. retend you're too busy; money is tight right now, and you've never really liked them anyway

C. Ignore the message and block their phone number and email address

6. What does it mean to you if someone doesn't have any friends?

A. They will die alone

B. No one is there for them

C. They don’t deserve them

7. What does it mean to you if someone doesn't have any friends?

A. They will die alone

B. No one is there for them

C. They don’t deserve them

8. Do you like yourself?

A. Yes of course

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

9. What do you think when someone says something negative about you?

A. Broken

B. Discouraged

C. Angry

10. What emotions do you experience when someone abandons you?

A. Heartbroken

B. Numb

C. Hateful

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