1. How long has it been since you’ve been thinking about ending your relationship?
2. What will you do once you end this relationship?
3. Have you met anyone else who you’ve been drawn towards?
4. Has your partner cheated on you and perhaps that’s why you want to end the relationship?
5. Has your life been a nightmare with this person?
6. Have you been unable to reach your goals because of this relationship?
7. Are you considering ending this relationship because you’ve been unhappy for a long time?
8. Do you think you’d be better off if you ended this relationship?
9. Are you sad just thinking about ending this relationship?
10. Do you think your partner will agree to end this relationship?
11. Do you still laugh and have a good time together?
12. Do you miss your partner when they are not around?
13. Do you feel comfortable being emotionally vulnerable around your partner?
14. Do your loved ones think that this relationship is good for you?
15. Do you get affected if your partner is in physical or emotional pain?