1. Does your wife remember your birthday and special events?
2. Are you attracted to your wife (physically or emotionally)?
3. Are you happier when your wife is not around?
4. Do you ever have thoughts of harming your wife?
5. Does your wife emotionally, physically, financially, or mentally abuse you?
6. Have you tried marriage counseling but it went in vain?
7. Do you and your wife despise each other?
8. Does your wife compliment you?
9. Is your wife a threat to your children?
10. as your wife cheated on you, and it’s hard for you to move on?
11. Is your wife a very active woman?
12. Has your wife always been faithful to you?
13. Does your wife still hug you?
14. Does your wife call you every day?
15. Is your wife willingly staying with you?
16. Does your wife still take care of herself?
17. Does your wife help with the bills?
18. Does your wife spend too much money at the end of the month?
19. Does your wife pay less attention to the home and relationship?
20. Are you happy with the way your wife carries herself around people?