How Much Do You Know About Relationships Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 28 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
 How Much Do You Know About Relationships Quiz?
Knowing what it takes to make a relationship thrive and be successful is vital for making it loving and long-lasting. Low knowledge of how to maintain a relationship can be confusing, scary, and eventually may lead to a divorce. Luckily, it isn't challenging to grasp how to gain good knowledge relationships. Will you put that to the test? Take this what's your relationship knowledge level quiz to measure how full your knowledge of relationship is.

Questions Excerpt

1. What do you think about spending time with your partner?

A. It's ideal

B. It's decent

C. It's not in my book

2. What do you think about kissing your partner?

A. It's necessary

B. It's decent

C. It's not ideal

3. What do you think about physically holding and being connected with your partner?

A. It's very important

B. It's somewhat nice

C. It's not ideal

4. Is giving your partner emotional support essential for the relationship?

A. Extremely essentials

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

5. Would you like to go out on dates with your partner?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. No

6. Is showing appreciation towards your partner necessary?

A. Very necessary

B. Maybe

C. Not really

7. How important is love to you?

A. Extremely important

B. Somewhat important

C. Not very important

8. Is it good to respect your partner's opinions, even if you disagree with them?

A. Yes, always

B. Possibly

C. No

9. Is marriage a goal?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

10. How do you keep a relationship long lasting?

A. By staying committed and putting aside differences

B. By staying in love

C. By liking each other

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