Marriage Happiness Quiz: How Happy Is Your Marriage? Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 5242 | Updated: Sep 12, 2024
Marriage Happiness Quiz: How Happy Is Your Marriage?

If you have had some serious marital problems lately you may be having doubts and wondering if you are in a happy marriage. Well, a happy marriage isn’t one where every day is perfect but one where most of the days are good and where the two partners get over conflicts in a mature and wise manner. Take this marriage happiness quiz to find the answer to the question ''How happy is your marriage?''

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your spouse prioritize other things over things over you?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Mostly

2. How do you feel about the future of your relationship?

A. I am optimistic and look forward to our future together

B. I am generally positive about our future, with some concerns

C. I am uncertain and have several concerns about our future

D. I feel pessimistic about our future together

3. How well do you think your partner understands your needs and desires?

A. My partner understands my needs very well and acts accordingly

B. My partner generally understands my needs, though there are occasional misunderstandings

C. My partner struggles to understand my needs and desires

D. My partner does not understand my needs at all

4. How often do you feel appreciated by your partner?

A. I always feel appreciated

B. I frequently feel appreciated

C. I occasionally feel appreciated

D. I rarely feel appreciated

5. How satisfied are you with the level of communication between you and your partner?

A. Very satisfied; we communicate openly and effectively

B. Somewhat satisfied; we communicate well most of the time

C. Dissatisfied; we struggle to communicate effectively

D. Very dissatisfied; there is little to no effective communication

6. How often do you and your partner laugh together?

A. We laugh together every day

B. We laugh together several times a week

C. We occasionally laugh together

D. We rarely or never laugh together

7. Do you ever feel unvalued in your marriage?

A. No

B. I don't think so

C. Sometimes

D. Often

8. How often do you get into heated arguments?

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Once a week

D. Every other day

9. Does your partner support your career choices?

A. Yes

B. Mostly

C. A few of them

D. Not really

10. Do you ever imagine your life without your partner?

A. Why should I

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Often

11. You’ve had a fight with your husband and you meet your best friend soon afterward. Do you speak about your marriage issues with them?

A. No, unless it's something really serious

B. Maybe, but it's nothing secret

C. Yes, to let go of the tension

D. Yes, because I know my spouse is not there to hear it

12. How long does it take them to admit a mistake?

A. Few minutes

B. An hour or so

C. A day

D. Several days

13. Do they look when a good-looking person passes by?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Often

14. Does your partner listen to you when you speak about your interests?

A. Yes, and they are all eyes and ears

B. Yes, although they sometimes seem to get bored

C. Occasionally

D. Never

15. Do they worry about you when you’re not feeling well?

A. Always

B. Most times

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

16. How often does your partner initiate lovemaking?

A. Every day

B. Every couple of days

C. Once or twice a month

D. Rarely

17. Does your partner have the patience to teach you something new, such as fishing or cooking?

A. Absolutely

B. Yes, most of the times

C. Not really, they give up after a couple of minutes

D. They would never give it a try

18. Does your partner enjoy being near you?

A. Yes, and they make me feel special

B. Yes, most of the times

C. Sometimes. I am not sure

D. I don't think so

19. What is your priority when you two have a disagreement?

A. Understanding the reasons and opinions

B. Getting over it as soon as possible

C. Proving I am right

D. Showing them how much of a bad person they are

20. How does an ordinary evening look like for you two?

A. We cuddle and make love

B. We talk about the day

C. We watch a movie and comment on it

D. Each one is looking at a different screen

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