How Deep Is Your Love Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2263 | Updated: Aug 26, 2022
 How Deep Is Your Love Quiz?

Have you ever asked yourself this question – how intense and stable are my feelings of love? Many people fall into a trap and think that the deepest feelings of love are experienced at the beginning of a relationship. In fact, what you feel throughout the first dates is excitement and desire. After months and years of relationship, you can say your love is deep. By the way, take this quiz and find out exactly how serious your feelings are.

Questions Excerpt

1. What do you feel when your partner touches you?

A. Completeness and peace

B. Happiness

C. A thrill

D. A rather unpleasant sensation

2. Your partner calls you and asks for help with their car. What do you do?

A. Go to where they are immediately and see how I can help

B. Find the best solution and go there to implement it

C. Growl but go to help them

D. Refuse them

3. Your partner invites you to have dinner with their grandparents. Do you accept?

A. Absolutely

B. Yes, why not, although my expectations are low

C. Yes, reluctantly

D. No, it must be really boring

4. Your partner is very sick and needs a kidney transplant. Would you donate if you were compatible?

A. Definitely

B. Maybe, if we are married

C. Not sure

D. No way

5. What do you do the first thing in the morning when you wake up next to him or her?

A. Thank God

B. Give them a hug

C. Roll over

D. Push them away to make space for myself

6. Your partner’s birthday is coming. How do you prepare for it?

A. I research their preferences carefully and choose the best gift

B. Organize a surprise birthday

C. Just buy something - who knows if they will like it

D. Nothing special really

7. What would your answer be if your partner proposed marriage to you tomorrow?

A. Yes, yes, yes!

B. Yes

C. Let me think about it

D. I don't think it's a good idea

8. Your partner loves cats very much but you are allergic to their hair. How do you cope?

A. Buy them a hairless cat

B. Take allergy medicine

C. Ask them to give up on the pet for obvious reasons

D. Get rid of the cat and tell them it has escaped

9. What do you think about conflicts?

A. They are growth opportunities and I hate giving the cold shoulder

B. They are unpleasant, but normal

C. I hate them

D. Now I realize I kind of love getting into arguments with him or her

10. Your partner wins the big prize at the lottery. What do you think about it?

A. Nothing will change

B. We will improve our lifestyle

C. I will ask them to buy me a car

D. I hope they don't break up with me

11. Do you feel in love with your partner, even when you are mad at them?

A. Yes

B. Without a doubt

C. Not sure

D. No

12. When you think of your life when you are old, do you see your partner with you?

A. Yes

B. Without a doubt

C. Not sure

D. No

13. Do you worry about them leaving you?

A. No

B. Not at all

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

14. Do their small quirks bother you?

A. No

B. Not at all

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

15. Do you miss them when they are gone for a business trip?

A. Yes

B. Without a doubt

C. Not sure

D. No

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