1. Do you think they try to get more attention from you when you are around?
2. Does your ex call you when they are drunk?
3. Does the new relationship of your ex not feel right?
4. How does your ex feel around you?
5. Does your ex and their partner act as a long-term couple even though they are not?
6. Do you still feel sexual tension when you are around your ex?
7. Does the new relationship of your ex move slow and fast constantly?
8. Does your ex and their partner have anything in common?
9. Do you think your partner would break up with their partner if you wanted them back?
10. Does your ex look happy with his new partner?
11. Does your ex still call, trying to make things right, even though they are in a new relationship?
12. Do you feel your ex is waiting for you to react before they can break up with their new fling?
13. Do you see it in your ex's eyes that they still have feelings for you?
14. Does your ex call you to joke or ask how you are doing?
15. Is your ex amused when you show up at their place?
16. Do you think your ex's new lover is scared that you may get back together?
17. Do you think your ex's new lover is insecure about the relationship?
18. Does your ex make sure you see them with their new lover?
19. Does your ex speak to your common friends about you?
20. Do you think your ex is trying to make you jealous of their new relationship?