Is My Boyfriend Cheating On Me Quiz

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Clinically Approved By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
Christiana Njoku
Licensed Professional Counselor
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Christiana Njoku is a certified relationship coach and marriage mentor from the prestigious Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs in Stafford, USA. A seasoned relationship... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 25644 | Updated: May 17, 2024
Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me Quiz

Relationships can be tricky enough if you constantly think about your partner cheating on you all the time. But the sad truth is that it might happen. So if your gut instinct is telling you that your boyfriend is probably cheating on you, take this quick ‘Is My Boyfriend Cheating On Me Quiz’ to find out if you’re right.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your boyfriend avoid most of the questions that you ask?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No

2. Do your friends think he is cheating on you?

A. Yes

B. They have their doubts

C. No

3. Is he in touch with women you do not know, on social media?

A. Yes

B. Only a few

C. No

4. Does he not let you meet his friends and family?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

5. Does your boyfriend make you question your place in his life?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

6. Have you found any item that may not belong to him in his drawer/bag?

A. Yes

B. I am not sure

C. No

7. Have you or anyone close found your boyfriend’s profile active on any dating apps?

A. Yes

B. A long time ago

C. He is not on any dating apps

8. Have you ever caught your boyfriend cheating on you before?

A. Yes

B. He almost cheated once

C. No

9. Do you trust your boyfriend explicitly?

A. Not anymore

B. I have my doubts

C. Yes

10. Is your boyfriend too busy to hang out with you?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but he is genuinely busy

C. No

11. Does your boyfriend seem cranky?

A. Yes, more cranky than usual

B. Not sure

C. No, not any more than usual

12. Have you discovered your boyfriend lying lately?

A. Yes

B. I've had doubts

C. No

13. Have you and your boyfriend been bickering a lot lately?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, not a lot

14. Do you think your boyfriend is hiding something from you?

A. Yes, I really think so

B. I’m a little suspicious

C. No, I don’t think he is

15. Is your boyfriend extra nice to you after you argue?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

16. Has your boyfriend been canceling a lot of plans?

A. Yes, almost all

B. Yes, a few

C. No

17. Is your boyfriend constantly hiding his phone from you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

18. Do you perceive your boyfriend as extra secretive?

A. Yes, very secretive

B. Not sure

C. No, not at all secretive

19. Does your boyfriend pick fights with you for no reason?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, almost never

20. Does your boyfriend seem more flustered than usual?

A. Yes, very flustered

B. Yes, somewhat flustered

C. No, not at all flustered

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