1. Do you have any positive sexual experiences you can remember?
2. Growing up, did your parents talk to you about sex?
3. Do you believe that people who have frequent sex or have multiple partners are bad?
4. Are you comfortable with your sexual orientation?
5. Do you have any interest in sex or sexual desires?
6. Do you ever feel extreme guilt or shame after sex or masturbation?
7. Do you ever have difficulty sleeping, experience body tension, difficulty having orgasms, or experiencing pain during sex?
8. Do you ever feel extremely anxious about sex and your sexual desires to the point that it causes you guilt?
9. Do you think negative thoughts about people who engage in risky sexual behavior or who talk openly about their sexual activity?
10. Do you ever fake happiness or enjoyment before, during, or after sex to avoid having that awkward conversation about how you are feeling?
11. Have you ever had a sexual experience that made you feel uncomfortable or violated?
12. How do you feel about discussing your sexual desires with a partner?
13. Have you ever had a sexual experience that you regretted?
14. How do you feel about pornography?
15. Have you ever had a sexual experience with someone of the same gender?