Am I Demisexual Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 60762 | Updated: Jun 16, 2023
 Am I Demisexual Quiz?

When it comes to sexual orientation, there are so many different subcategories of broader categories that it is hard to really understand them all at once. Have you explored different sexual identity roles and are confused about which one best fits your desires and feelings toward a relationship? You are not alone. 

Navigating through all of these aspects of your sexual identity could be confusing and uncertain, but the answers you are looking for are all out there, and you will find them in time. 

If you are confused between asexual, graysexual, and demisexual, take this short 'Am I Demisexual quiz' to see which is most in line with your thoughts, beliefs, and desires when it comes to sexual relationships.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you typically have a sexual preference for dating?

A. Not typically

B. No, emotional connection is the biggest thing for me

C. No, I prefer no sexual connection

2. Is your ideal relationship one that involves the traditional ideas of falling in love and intense romance?

A. Yes, isn’t that everyone’s goal?

B. No, that isn’t necessarily my goal

C. Yes, I would prefer a relationship with anyone I want to

3. Is sex just a part of a relationship for you or at the top of your list of priorities when it comes to dating?

A. I rarely experience sexual attraction. It’s not an intense feeling for me.

B. I believe being attracted to someone is the most important thing, regardless of whether we have sex or not.

C. I experience little to no sexual attraction most of the time. It’s about finding someone appealing to me.

4. How long do you typically wait before having sex with a new partner?

A. Whenever I feel the time is right, but it usually just happens. Sometimes I just have to feel close enough to them

B. When I feel emotionally attracted to them, I usually feel sexually attracted, as well.

C. Sex is not a priority at all to me. If I find someone sexually appealing, then I'll probably have the desire to have sex with them.

5. Which of these is most important to you in a relationship?

A. Genuine connection

B. How well we get along on a daily basis

C. Their personality maybe

6. Does your emotional connection dictate how attracted you are to someone?

A. Sometimes

B. Yes, all the time

C. Not really

7. Do you ever feel a sexual connection towards someone you just met or barely know?

A. No, not typically

B. No, never. I have to know how we relate on an emotional level before I can be attracted to them sexually

C. Yes

8. Do you ever feel like you experience sexual attraction to others less frequently than other people your age?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes, but mostly because I place a lot of weight on developing an emotional connection first. So, I understand.

C. No, I can be attracted to anyone, anytime

9. Do you ever have sex with someone you aren’t sexually attracted to?

A. Sometimes

B. Never

C. Yes

10. Do you feel that sometimes you have an emotional bond with someone but don’t necessarily want a romantic relationship with them?

A. Yes, sometimes sex is essential, and sometimes it’s not. It’s usually not a big factor for me that plays into things.

B. Yes, I could feel an emotional bond and still not want a sexual or romantic relationship with them. It all depends.

C. Romantic relationships aren’t really my priority.

11. Do you typically have a sexual preference when it comes to dating?

A. Yes, I prefer to go with my gut

B. No, emotional connection is the biggest thing for me

C. On very rare occasions

12. Is your ideal relationship one that involves old-school notions of love and courting?

A. Yes, isn’t that everyone’s goal

B. No, that isn’t necessarily what my goal is

C. Never

13. How often do you experience sexual attraction towards someone?

A. I don’t constantly experience sexual attraction

B. It happens often but I don’t always act on it

C. Never

14. How long do you wait before getting physically intimate with someone don't know much about?

A. It takes me a long while before developing feelings for someone

B. There is no fixed timeline as I just go with my gut

C. I am not necessarily interested in having sex to build a bond with someone

15. What is the most important thing for you in a relationship?

A. Personal bond

B. Emotional compatibility

C. Friendship between the two

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