Hypersexuality Quiz - Are You Hypersexual?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 10564 | Updated: Mar 29, 2023
Hypersexuality Quiz - Are You Hypersexual?

Ready to find out how hypersexual you are? Are you at the level of hypersexuality? This fun and easy quiz will show you where you're at on the hypersexual spectrum. The unique point system also gives you a numerical value of your "hypersexual value" so you can compare yourself to others.

Take this Are You Hypersexual Quiz and find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you sometimes have trouble feeling emotionally connected to a romantic partner?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

2. Do you feel distressed by your sexual behaviors?

A. Extremely true

B. A little true

C. Not true at all

3. Do you find it hard to stop sexual behaviors even when they cause problems?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No, never

4. Do you think about sex more often than the average person?

A. Yes, I guess

B. Not sure

C. No, I do not think so

5. Do you feel like having sex is the only thing that makes you happy?

A. Yes

B. Just sometimes

C. No

6. Do you think about having sex in inappropriate situations, such as at work or while driving?

A. Yes

B. Just sometimes

C. No, never

7. When someone says they're not interested in having sex with you, do you feel rejected and upset in an extreme way?

A. Yes

B. It depends on

C. No, not at all

8. How often do you masturbate?

A. Once a week or less

B. Once a day or more

C. Not very often

9. Do you find yourself daydreaming about sex so often that it interferes with your daily activities?

A. Yes often

B. Just sometimes

C. No, never

10. Do you engage in sexual behavior that puts your physical or mental health at risk?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No, never

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