Why Do Women Cheat On Their Husbands: Top 10 Reasons

If you still believe that it’s mostly men who cheat, you are right to some extent, but the reality is that nowadays, infidelity among women is pretty rampant too.
Research has shown that approximately 10 to 15 percent of married women cheat on their husbands, while the corresponding statistic for men is between 20 to 25 percent. This answers how often do women cheat.
Although both men and women are known to cheat, their reasons for doing so are often very different. Let’s delve into a key reason for female infidelity, which may also explain male infidelity.
This begs the question, why do women cheat on their husbands?
This article will discuss some of the revealing reasons women give for cheating. Read along to know the real reasons why married women cheat.
Can a marriage survive after a wife cheats?
A marriage can survive a wife’s infidelity if certain conditions are met.
Both partners should communicate openly, practice honesty, make necessary changes and consult a marriage counselor to help resolve this issue healthily.
The right attitude can help the relationship to get back on track, whereas the wrong attitude after infidelity can further harm the relationship.
5 characteristics of a cheating woman
A cheating spouse can end up hurting their partner and their marriage significantly. This is why you may want to know the signs by which a cheating woman can be identified.
A cheating woman may have certain characteristics that they have in common, which can help us identify them easily. Here are some such characteristics of a cheating woman:
- She might have a rebellious nature
- She might be less communicative with her spouse
- She may have a history of cheating
- She is extremely private
- She has a very different social life from her partner
To learn more about the characteristics of a cheating woman, click here.
10 reasons why women cheat on their husbands
Every marriage’s circumstances and dynamics are different, so the reasons behind various married women cheating can be very different.
A woman cheating on her husband might do this because of problems within the relationship, her personal struggles or her feelings for someone else. You may want to know the reason behind a mature cheating wife, but it could also be a combination of various factors.
Here are some of the key reasons why women have affairs or why women cheating on husbands might break their vows of being faithful:
1. Loneliness and boredom
For a woman cheating on her husband, being lonely while married can be the ultimate disillusionment.
Many people may get married so that you will always have a personal best friend at all times and so that you never need to be lonely again.
Sadly, it does not always work out that way, so this is probably one of the biggest reasons women seek comfort elsewhere.
A lack of attention and intimacy in a marriage relationship is a recipe for infidelity.
A woman who is not having her relationship needs to be met in terms of intimacy, physical touch, and emotional attention is very vulnerable.
If some caring man comes along and starts giving her the compassion, attention, and compliments she craves, she can very easily slip into an emotional affair that could well become a physical given time.
Related Reading: 11 Tips for Mental Health Issues & Loneliness in Marriage
2. A preoccupied spouse
Women cheating on their husbands might do this because they feel ignored or undervalued by their spouses.
Sometimes partners can think that as long as they work hard and support a comfortable collective lifestyle, their wives should and will be happy with that. After all, what more can a woman want?
Actually, a lot more!
If a person comes home late every day and is too tired to have any meaningful conversation with their wife, they may find that she has become frustrated, disengaged and distant.
When the husband is a workaholic, he may just use his work to avoid engaging emotionally with his wife and family.
And after all, as stated above, emotional engagement is what it is all about for a woman. So again, when the husband works all the time, the wife might become vulnerable.
3. Looking for a confidence boost
It is well known that many women suffer from low self-esteem and a general lack of confidence. There can be many reasons for this; they are usually rooted in childhood.
It can affect anyone, even the most attractive, appealing and competent women sometimes feel unattractive and incompetent.
These negative feelings can be fuelled by an insensitive and demanding spouse or even abusive and derogatory.
Then imagine if a handsome work colleague notices (and makes it known that he notices) the positive qualities in such a woman.
So, how often do married women cheat can depend on whether she is lacking in confidence and desirous of a boost in it.
The rush of confidence and the feeling of being desirable can be intoxicating, like the whiff of a home-cooked meal to a starving person.
Many women can have affairs because it makes them feel better like they are still attractive and wanted by someone, boosting their confidence.
4. Response to infidelity
So now we come to the ugly little word called ‘revenge,’ one of the top reasons women cheat on their husbands.
For example, the husband cheated and his wife finds out.
The pain was excruciating, the betrayal, the hours and hours of replaying every little clue she missed, and the shame and reproach she felt, that somehow she wasn’t good enough anymore.
But he was repentant and they decided to patch it up and carry on.
She thinks she has put it behind her, but it always seems to be lurking at the back of her mind and then she meets a gorgeous man. They seemed to ‘click’ from day one; he understood her like hubby never had.
One thing led to another, and she told herself, “Well, he cheated first – if he can do it, so can I.”
5. Response to an unhappy marriage
Some wives who cheat may think that if they have an affair, it will function as a kind of ‘exit strategy’ from an unhappy and dysfunctional marriage.
Their marriage ship is sinking, so before they plunge into the icy cold water of singleness, they jump ship and cheat with another man.
This may indeed accomplish the goal of ending their marriage but is likely to make the affair partner feel used.
An affair could also be a cry for help, to try and show an unresponsive husband how deeply in trouble the marriage really is, in the hopes that he may be willing to change and get help.
There are many ways of dealing with an unhappy marriage, but having an affair is not likely to be a good one.
6. Unforeseen circumstances
A wise saying goes something like this: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
This is particularly true when it comes to having a successful marriage.
Unless you plan to make the most of your relationship with your spouse, giving it all you’ve got and constantly seeking ways to strengthen your bond, you are likely to drift apart over time.
Think of it as a garden: on your wedding day, it was exquisite and immaculate, with flower beds in full bloom, lawns neatly trimmed and fruit trees laden with fruit.
But as the times and seasons passed, you neglected the garden, left the grass unmown, didn’t bother to weed or water the flowers and let the ripe fruit drop to the ground.
Maybe you thought the rain and wind would do the job for you? Marriage is hard work, just like everything else worthwhile in life.
It is wonderful and rewarding work, but it still works, and both of you need to be fully committed.
If not, an affair may ‘just happen,’ and you could find yourself saying, “I didn’t plan it.”
7. Sexual dissatisfaction
Women who cheat on their husbands may do it because they are dissatisfied with their sex life with their spouses.
Complacency, neglect, wrong assumptions or selfishness can lead to declining sexual satisfaction in a marriage. And this can make a woman look for options for sexual gratification outside the relationship.
8. Unrealized expectations
Unrealistic expectations in a relationship can lead to disappointment and resentment developing for partners. These emotions may lead a woman to seek comfort in their relationship with another person through infidelity.
Watch this video to learn more about why we should expect less of love:
9. Lack of intimacy
If a married couple lacks intimacy, they may seek this intimacy with someone outside the relationship. Intimacy strengthens the bond between a couple, and lack of it can cause a deep yearning for closeness with one’s partner.
10. A deeper connection
One may cheat on their partner if they have fallen for another person close to them. If one feels an emotional bond or physical attraction for someone other than their spouse, they might end up emotionally or sexually cheating on their spouse.
Related Reading: Validation: The Secret to Deeper Connection
How to cope with a wife’s infidelity
When you have found solace in the arms of the woman of your dreams, the last thing you want to do is look for reasons why women cheat or signs of a woman seeking affairs.
However, alongside taking an overview of the reasons shared in this article that corroborates “why do women cheat on their husbands,” it is crucial to learn how to deal with infidelity in your marriage.
Assessing your emotions, being honest with each other, communicating and possibly attending marital counseling sessions are some tips for handling infidelity.
To learn more about how to handle infidelity in your relationship, click here.
Can a woman cheat and still be in love?
Yes, a woman who cheats can still be in love with her partner. Adultery can be a momentary lapse in judgment, physical attraction solely or a result of being in love with two people simultaneously. In all these instances, the infidelity is not due to a lack of love for one’s spouse.
Final thoughts
For those men reading the article and feeling curious to know more about the dynamics of female cheating or why do women have affairs when it seems to be a perfectly happy marriage, a good place to start would be to understand women better.
Why do women cheat on their husbands? Every woman has different reasons for her relational transgression.
The damage to repair is massive when an affair wrecks a relationship, leaving it in the rocky shoals. But, for a relationship to thrive and not die, it is crucial to understand what drives a woman to latch onto another man.
Don’t wait to learn the hard way why do women cheat on their husbands.
Be the partner in the relationship who can take the corrective steps to change the story’s narrative just by being mindful of why women cheat on their husbands and what can be done to prevent infidelity in marriage.
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