1. Does he seem to be easily attracted to other women you meet?
2. Is he intimate and affectionate towards you?
3. Does he spend more quality time with you now?
4. What was the nature of their infidelity?
5. Can you see that he's making a real effort to make things right?
6. Does he blame you for his infidelity?
7. How did you find out that he had cheated on you?
8. Is he very possessive and protective of his phone?
9. Is he open and honest when it comes to sharing details about his infidelity?
10. Was this the first time that he cheated on you?
11. Has your partner sincerely apologized for cheating on you?
12. Does he ever claim you are jealous and crazy?
13. What is your intuition saying to you?
14. If you change your look significantly. Will he notice?
15. Do you feel your partner is attentive towards you?
16. Is he very attentive to his hygiene and physical appearance?
17. What reason does he offer for having cheated?
18. How is the quality of sex in your relationship?
19. Did he cut contact with the other woman?
20. Does he listen to you and contain his emotional outbursts?