Are You In An Unhappy Marriage Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 26698 | Updated: Dec 20, 2022
 Are You In An Unhappy Marriage Quiz?

It is sad but true that not all marriages end up being happy and eternal. Good marriages are characterized by people enjoying each other's presence and having the sense of building something together. A bad marriage is one where one or both partners feel overwhelmed and miserable.

In fact, there are lots of people who regret ever getting married because they feel that it has wasted their time, drained all their energy, and brought more problems to their lives than solutions. 

This is why at some point in time, some people think about parting ways. 

So, in what type of marriage are you? Do you feel that you have grown as an individual ever since you got married, or do you think you are about to lose your mind because of this marriage? Is yours happy or unhappy? 

Take our Are You In An Unhappy Marriage quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many times do you call each other very day?

A. At least once a day.

B. At least 3 times a day.

C. Several times during the day?

D. Almost never.

2. What do you like the most about your partner?

A. Their truth worthiness

B. Their looks

C. Their personality

D. Almost nothing

3. How often do you go out with your partner?

A. Almost every weekend.

B. Almost every 3 days.

C. Once a month.

D. It's been a while since you've done so.

4. How many things do you have in common?

A. So many that you've lost count.

B. A few things.

C. One thing, food.

D. Nothing.

5. Who wears the pants in the relationship?

A. Him

B. Her

C. Both of you do.

D. You don't know

6. What do you mostly argue about?

A. Politics.

B. Money

C. Where to go and have fun

D. Almost nothing

7. How many times do you argue with your partner every day?

A. Many times, during the day.

B. As soon as you meet.

C. Once a day.

D. Almost never.

8. How many times do you say I love you to each other?

A. All the times.

B. After sex.

C. After hanging up the phone.

D. It's been a while since you've done so.

9. How often are you intimate with your partner?

A. All the time.

B. During weekends

C. Once every month

D. Almost never

10. What are your common hobbies?

A. Playing video games

B. Sewing clothes

C. Collecting stuff

D. Cooking delicacies

11. Do you sometimes fight about money?

A. Yes

B. It's inevitable, but it doesn't happen all the time

C. Sometimes

D. No

12. Do you sometimes have romantic outings?

A. Yes, on Fridays

B. Yes, but it's rare now

C. Yes, but only on the 14th of February

D. No, not anymore

13. How many times do you argue with your partner every week?

A. At least 3 times

B. At least 10 times

C. You've lost count

D. You never really argue

14. Are you still sexually attracted to your partner?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. It's only natural

D. Not that much

15. Do you plan vacations together?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Only when you have enough money to do so

D. Never

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