Should I Stay In An Abusive Marriage Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Mar 29, 2023
 Should I Stay in an Abusive Marriage Quiz?

It is logical to walk out of an abusive marriage, but it is easier said than done. It can involve a lot of changes that one would have to accept in their life. Getting out of any relationship, whether abusive or not, is an uphill battle.

So, are you in an abusive marriage and unsure of what to do? Do you think there is a possibility of reviving your relationship?

Take this ‘Should I stay in an abusive marriage’ quiz to assess your situation systematically and make an informed decision.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your partner emotionally manipulate or unhealthily control you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

2. Are you sexually abused?

A. Yes

B. No/I am not sure

3. Do you get physically abused during fights with your partner?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes/No

4. Does your partner belittle or bully you in front of others?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes/No

5. Does your partner apologize to you for their wrongdoings?

A. Never/Rarely

B. Yes/Sometimes

6. Do you ever spend quality time together?

A. Never/Rarely

B. Sometimes

7. Is your partner addicted to alcohol or drugs?

A. Yes

B. No/They are into social drinking

8. Does your partner feel sorry after abusing you?

A. Never

B. Sometimes/Yes

9. Is your partner working towards improving the marriage?

A. Yes/Maybe

B. Not at all

10. Have you sought counseling before to revive your marriage?

A. Yes, it didn’t work

B. Not yet/We are contemplating

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