How Romantic Are You? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 299 | Updated: Jan 31, 2024
How Romantic Are You?
Do you consider yourself a romantic? Take this quiz and find out how romantic you are.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does love at first sight exist in your mind?

A. Definitely

B. Maybe

C. For some people

D. Not at all

2. Do you believe in soul mates or ‘’true love’’?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. No

D. Sometimes

3. Where would you want to live?

A. A beautiful apartment

B. Castle

C. A decent house

D. I don't know

4. Have you ever had a partner where the two of you had a special song, saying, or nicknames that you used?

A. Yes

B. I don't remember

C. Maybe

D. No

5. What does love mean to you?�

A. A lot, if you know what I mean.

B. I don't understand.

C. A special feeling.

D. I don't know.

6. Do you remember your first kiss?

A. In great detail. In fact, I still think about it sometimes.

B. Some of the details, yes, but I don't sit and think about it often.

C. Vaguely.

D. No.

7. How long was your longest kiss?

A. 10 seconds maybe.

B. 5 seconds maybe.

C. Like 2 seconds.

D. I haven't kissed anyone.

8. Valentine’s day is?

A. The most wonderful day of the year

B. Fun and sweet

C. Stressful and full of pressures

D. Extremely boring holiday

9. How do you feel about public displays of affection?

A. I love them, they're essential

B. They're sweet in moderation

C. Only in private, please

D. Not comfortable with them at all

10. What's your ideal date night?

A. Candlelit dinner under the stars

B. A cozy movie night at home

C. A fun outing, like a concert or game

D. I don't really do date nights

11. How often do you compliment your partner?

A. Multiple times a day

B. Daily

C. Occasionally

D. Rarely or never

12. What's your take on surprise gifts for your partner?

A. I love planning and giving them regularly

B. For special occasions mostly

C. Once in a while, when I remember

D. I don't really do surprise gifts

13. How do you express your love?

A. Through grand gestures and words

B. With thoughtful actions and quality time

C. In practical ways, like doing chores

D. I'm not great at expressing love

14. You love romantic movies.

A. 1 (strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4 (strongly disagree)

15. You get nervous on your first date. What do you do?�

A. Smile and say, "I am nervous."

B. Ignore it.

C. Go straight to "smooching"

D. Run!

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