BPD-Borderline Personality Disorder Quiz

Jonathon Carrington
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 370 | Updated: Sep 12, 2024
BPD-Borderline Personality Disorder Quiz

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health disorder characterized by emotional instability, intense interpersonal relationships, and a distorted sense of self. This 'BPD-Borderline Personality Disorder' quiz is designed to share information about symptoms commonly associated with BPD. It is not a tool for diagnosis. If you find that you relate to many of the symptoms described, consider reaching out to a mental health professional for a comprehensive evaluation. 

Questions Excerpt

1. How frequently do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by your own emotions?

A. Very often; my emotions can change drastically

B. Sometimes, certain situations can trigger strong emotions

C. Occasionally, only under significant stress

D. Rarely; I usually manage my emotions well

2. Do your relationships often switch between idealizing someone intensely and believing they don't care enough or are cruel?

A. Yes, this happens very often and intensely

B. It happens, but not all the time

C. Rarely, and if it does, the feelings are not intense

D. No, my relationships are generally stable without these swings

3. When someone important to you is not available, how do you react?

A. I panic, worry they might leave me, or take drastic measures

B. I get anxious but can cope with some reassurance

C. It bothers me, but I manage without overreacting

D. I understand people need their space and it doesn’t bother me

4. How stable is your self-image or sense of self?

A. My self-image often changes; I struggle with who I am or want to be

B. Sometimes, I feel unsure about myself but have some stable periods

C. Generally, my self-image is stable, with occasional doubts

D. I have a clear and stable self-image

5. Do you often engage in impulsive behaviors like spending, eating, substance use, or risky driving?

A. Yes, I frequently engage in behaviors that I later regret

B. Occasionally, I might act impulsively when very stressed

C. Rarely; it’s not typical for me to act impulsively

D. No, I am careful and considerate about the consequences of my actions

6. How do you handle anger or frustration?

A. I often lose control and can lash out verbally or physically

B. I can become angry, but I don’t always act on it

C. I feel frustrated but usually keep my emotions in check

D. I handle anger and frustration calmly and constructively

7. Do you often feel empty or bored?

A. Yes, I frequently feel empty, like something is missing

B. Sometimes, I feel empty, but can usually find something to do

C. Occasionally, but it’s usually linked to specific events

D. Rarely or never, I generally feel fulfilled

8. Do you experience feelings of paranoia or episodes of dissociation?

A. Yes Yes, I sometimes feel paranoid or disconnected from reality, especially under stress

B. I might feel this way in extremely stressful situations

C. Very rarely and only in particularly overwhelming circumstances

D. No, I don’t experience these feelings

9. Have you engaged in self-harm or experienced suicidal thoughts?

A. Yes, these thoughts and behaviors are a recurring struggle for me

B. I have had such thoughts or behaviors, but not regularly

C. Rarely, and only in moments of severe distress

D. No, I have not experienced these thoughts or behaviors

10. How do you react to criticism or perceived failures?

A. I react very strongly and feel extremely upset

B. I may feel hurt but can discuss it or move on after a while

C. I'm usually okay with constructive criticism

D. Criticism doesn’t affect me deeply; I see it as a growth opportunity

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