25 Clear Signs He Is Hurting After the Breakup and What to Do

Breakups are always challenging to deal with, even for the emotionally strongest. They make you emotionally and physically weak. You begin questioning yourself, blaming yourself or others, and seeking closure as soon as possible.
Are you not sure if your breakup has affected him or not? Here are some clear signs he is hurting after the breakup and what you can do about it.
Since you and your ex have probably parted ways and no longer see eye-to-eye like before, it’s not always possible to tell the signs you really hurt him after the breakup. So, how do you know he is hurting after the breakup?
Luckily for you, we have a solution here. We have compiled the unmistakable signs he’s hurting after a breakup. Without further ado, let’s dive straight into the topic.
Does a guy hurt after a breakup?
Do guys hurt after a breakup? Yes, guys can be broken after the end of a relationship. You may see that he acts like he doesn’t care about a breakup, but believe it; it affects him emotionally.
A relationship is like a business venture where you invest a lot into it from the foundation to make it well established. In a typical relationship, people’s investments include time, resources, mutual friends, money, and feelings. Also, partners sacrifice and compromise to make each other satisfied and happy.
If the relationship ends in the long haul, it affects the partners one way or the other. There is a display of emotions filled with anger, disappointment, fear, and confusion. Women tend to be articulate with their emotions and feelings, so you may see them speaking up after the breakup.
However, the expression of feelings is a different ball game for men. They are pretty skillful at masking their real emotions, so if they are hurting after a breakup, they won’t show it because society teaches them to be strong in adversities.
Even if he acts like he doesn’t care after the breakup, know that he is hurting. So, how do you know the signs he is hurting after a breakup? What do guys think after a breakup, and how do they act?
All you need to do is look for signs he is hurting after the breakup and learn how guys act when they are hurt.
How does a guy behave after a breakup?
Another situation that seems confusing to women is guys’ behavior after a breakup. Many people want to know how guys act when they are hurt or go through pain after a breakup. Indeed, men and women are wired differently, especially when showing pain after a breakup.
Men tend to find courage and hide their emotions from everyone instead of learning how to stop hurting after a breakup.
25 signs he is hurt after the breakup
Do guys hurt after a breakup? What do guys think after a breakup? These are vital questions to ask when people are hurting after a breakup.
Now that you know it’s possible for guys to feel pain after a breakup, knowing the signs he is hurting will help you see if he wants you back or not. Learn more about the signs he is hurting after the breakup through the following points:
1. He talks to you often
One of the telltale signs he is hurt after the breakup is if he can’t stop talking to you. Indeed, he knows you guys have broken up, but letting go is hard for him.
He will text you, call to ask about your work and friends, or look for an excuse to hear your voice. These signs mean he cannot accept your separation.
2. He says he misses you
Another sign he is hurt after a breakup is when he tells you he misses you. Now, “When do guys start to miss you after a breakup?” can vary based on factors like why you broke up, who initiated the talk, etc.
The statement, “I miss you.” is one of the hardest things to say for many men after a breakup. Therefore, if your ex says it, know that it took him a lot of thought to say it confidently.
3. He is in denial of the breakup
The shock of breaking up with someone you thought you would end up with can be hard on some men.
After telling him that you can’t be his woman, he will believe you will have a change of mind rather than seeking how to stop hurting after a breakup. He will still act like your man and relate with you like everything is fine.
4. He enters a new relationship
What do guys think after a breakup? Even though men and women process breakups differently, there is always a timeline before anyone moves on. However, if your ex starts showing off another woman barely a week after breaking up, it shows he is hurting after the breakup.
The new woman is a coping mechanism and distraction from the pain after breaking up. Sooner or later, reality will dawn on him.
5. He cuts you off
Some guys’ behavior after a breakup is geared toward moving closer to their partner, but others take a different approach. For example, your ex can cut all means of communicating with you. This action may show he is hurting and just looking for ways to cope better with your absence.
6. You don’t hear from him
Do guys hurt after a breakup? Yes. They do. A guy hurting after a breakup is like a wounded animal. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you, your friends, or his friends can’t get through to him after the separation.
It means he is hurting badly somewhere. He would prefer to find a safe place with little or no disturbance to cope with the pain after a breakup and lick his wound.
7. He blocks you from his digital life
One of the signs you hurt him after the breakup is if he blocks you on his social media accounts.
Be it on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok, cutting access to him on these platforms shows how much pain he is experiencing. It may sound childish, but it’s his way of venting.
8. He changes his location
You and your ex were probably living within the same vicinity. If he suddenly packs up and moves out of the location to another place after the breakup, understand that he is hurting. It may be farfetched, but he feels seeing your light adds to the pain after the breakup.
9. He bumps into you and says it’s a coincidence
After a breakup, you hardly expect to see your ex as you used to.
However, if you and your ex have bumped into each other three to four times over the past few days, and he says it’s a coincidence, that may mean he is hurting and wants you back. These kinds of unplanned meetups are how some guys act when they are hurt.
10. He stalks you
Guys who find it hard to move on and are hurting after a breakup do crazy things, including stalking.
If your ex keeps a tab on you, follows you around secretly, or harasses you on the road, that’s a sign of hurt. It is essential to report this to appropriate authorities for safety.
11. He sabotages you
Another extreme sign that he is hurting after the breakup is sabotaging your life, career, or progress. For instance, when a guy sees a great opportunity for you but blocks it, he sabotages you.
Other signs of sabotaging include passing negative comments on your social media platforms, giving hurtful reviews on your business page, or physically harassing you. Understand that these actions require the help of law enforcement agencies, so don’t waste time reporting him.
12. He badmouths you
Friends who knew you and your ex-partner as lovers might ask questions when they notice the gap or tension.
However, a hurting guy might go a step further by badmouthing you and painting you as despicable instead of trying to heal from the breakup. Learn how to deal with a toxic ex in this book.
13. He meets up with other girls and makes you see it
What do guys think after a breakup? Well, one of their top thoughts, especially if they’re hurting, is making you jealous.
While many guys find it easy to move on after a breakup, others don’t. One of the signs of hurting after the breakup is if he frequently has women around him and rubs it in his face.
Jumping from one lady to another without any sign of commitment shows how much your ex is in pain. If he makes you see these actions, rest assured he wants to make you green with envy and probably make you change your mind.
14. He deletes the great moments you have together
To know how guys act when they are hurt, check your memories together are still cherished. One sign that hurts after the breakup is erasing your couple’s footprint together. These actions may include deleting your pictures together on Facebook or deleting your account from his Netflix account.
15. He starts drinking
One of the telltale signs that a person is struggling to cope with the emotional impact of a breakup is a sudden increase in alcohol consumption. If you observe him turning to alcohol as a means of escape or solace, it may be indicative of the emotional pain he’s experiencing.
Excessive drinking can be a way for some individuals to numb the emotions associated with a breakup temporarily. If you are concerned about his well-being, it’s essential to approach such situations with sensitivity and encourage healthier coping mechanisms.
16. He refuses to express his feelings
There are different stages of a breakup for a guy. One of the stages involves expressing his feelings about the breakup decision. However, some guys who experience pain after a breakup keep mute. You can’t tell whether they accept the breakup, but one thing is sure – they are grieving.
17. He talks about you to your friends
Contacting your mutual friends is one way to know how guys act after a breakup. If your ex can’t stop talking about you to the friends you have in common, it’s a sign that he misses you and wants you back.
It may also be his way of letting others know he hurts and makes you change your mind.
18. He relapses into his old habits
After a breakup, if you notice that he’s reverting to behaviors or habits he had previously overcome, it could be a clear sign that he is struggling to cope with the emotional pain.
Whether it’s unhealthy coping mechanisms, addictions, or patterns of behavior you thought he had left behind, these relapses may indicate that he is finding it challenging to navigate the emotional aftermath of the breakup.
Keep an eye on any significant shifts in his behavior, as they may offer insights into his emotional state.
19. He avoids seeing you
Unplanned meetups happen all the time between ex-partners. One of the signs he is hurting after the break up is avoiding seeing you eye-to-eye at all costs. He will dodge you at parties and avoid being in the same room.
20. He asks for a second chance
One of the obvious signs a guy is hurting after a breakup is if he seeks a second chance.
He will take all the blame for whatever caused the breakup and make many promises. This could lead you to ask, “Why do breakups hurt?” It must have happened after thinking and hurting for a long time.
21. He doesn’t get into another relationship for years
If he has trouble asking a lady out or rebounding with other women, your ex may still be hurting after a breakup. That shows he finds it hard to trust or believe in the success of another relationship.
22. He becomes excessively nostalgic
When a guy is hurting after a breakup, he might constantly revisit memories of your time together. Whether through old messages, shared playlists, or revisiting places you used to frequent, this nostalgia is a clear sign of emotional distress.
23. He seeks closure
If your ex constantly tries to have deep and meaningful conversations about the breakup, seeking closure or understanding, it’s a sign that he is struggling to come to terms with the end of the relationship. This need for closure indicates emotional turmoil.
24. He exhibits changes in sleep patterns
Emotional distress can manifest physically, and changes in sleep patterns are a common symptom. If he’s struggling to cope, he might experience insomnia, frequent waking, or even excessive sleeping as a way to escape the emotional pain.
25. He becomes overly self-critical
Another sign of a guy hurting after a breakup is if he starts excessively blaming himself for the relationship’s failure. Constant self-criticism and dwelling on personal faults may indicate that he is grappling with feelings of inadequacy and regret.
What to do if he’s hurting after the breakup
It’s vital to know how to stop hurting after a breakup. Even though the pain after breaking up can be unbearable, you need to be reasonable.
Otherwise, it will affect essential aspects of your life. Now that you can tell he is hurting after the breakup, you need to decide what to do.
Start by asking yourself the following questions:
- Do I still love him?
- Is he sorry for what he did?
- Can I forgive him?
- Can we get back together?
Just because you are both hurting doesn’t mean you should get back together immediately. Review the reasons for breaking up first, and give each other time and space. As time goes on, you will have clear answers to your questions.
Watch Elliot Scott, a dating coach, explain the only time you should give a guy a second chance in this video:
How long does a man take to get over a breakup?
The amount of time it takes a man to get over a breakup is not that straightforward. It generally depends on the man’s personality, partner, and the reason for breaking up. Generally, getting over a partner you have been dating for years takes a long time.
Similarly, some men find it challenging to let go of women who have significantly impacted their lives. However, a breakup after dating for a few months hardly affects the partners. Nonetheless, as you get busy or engaged with others, you move on from the breakup with your ex.
Breakups can be emotionally challenging, leaving us with many questions and uncertainties. In this section, we will address common concerns after a breakup, such as someone avoiding you, faking okayness, going back to exes, and blocking on social media.
What should I do if he’s avoiding me after the breakup?
If he’s avoiding you after the breakup, give him space and time to process his emotions. Focus on your healing and growth; if he’s ready to communicate, he’ll reach out.
Can a guy fake being okay after a breakup?
Yes, some guys may fake being okay after a breakup to mask their feelings or protect their ego. It’s essential to give them the time and understanding they need.
Why do some men go back to their exes after a breakup?
Some men may return to their exes after a breakup because of unresolved feelings or a desire for familiarity. However, evaluating whether getting back together is genuinely best for both parties involved is essential.
Is it normal for a guy to block his ex on social media after a breakup?
Blocking an ex on social media after a breakup can be a normal coping mechanism for some guys. It allows them to create distance and minimize emotional triggers. Respect their boundaries and focus on your healing process.
In a nutshell
Having highlighted the signs he is hurting after the breakup, we hope you can make informed decisions for yourself.
Importantly, you should seek the help or advice of a relationship expert who might help you through complicated love situations. Notably, they can help you align your decision with your purpose in life.
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