How To Know If A Girl Likes Another Girl Quiz

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Clinically Approved By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
Christiana Njoku
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Christiana Njoku is a certified relationship coach and marriage mentor from the prestigious Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs in Stafford, USA. A seasoned relationship... Read More

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 424 | Updated: Feb 27, 2024
How to Know if a Girl Likes Another Girl Quiz

The laws of attraction are similar across genders. When a girl likes another girl, she may feel shy around her. She might feel more at ease around boys than girls because of the attraction.  

When you like someone, you are on your best behavior and wouldn’t do anything to make them upset or stop talking to you. Girls also feel the same for their girl crush. If you want to know about the behaviors that will tell you if she likes girls, then take this 'How to know if a girl likes another girl' quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does she seem to be elsewhere mentally?

A. Yes, she does

B. I haven’t noticed

C. Not really

2. Has she been talking about a girl a lot these days?

A. Yes, she can talk for hours about her

B. No, not a lot

C. Yes, and it is getting annoying

3. Is she texting someone a lot these days?

A. Yes, she is

B. I don’t know

C. I don’t think so

4. Is she friendly with girls?

A. Yes, extremely

B. No, she feels shy around them

C. She is quite reserved

5. Do you think she is obsessing over a girl?

A. Yes, I think so

B. No, not really

C. Yes, but I won’t call it an obsession

6. Do you think she likes boys romantically?

A. No, I don’t think so

B. I am not sure

C. I think she likes girls

7. Do you think she could be dating a girl?

A. I don’t know

B. I think that could be a possibility

C. I think she is

8. Does she feel nervous around girls?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Not really

C. I am not sure

9. Do you think she is a guy’s friend type of a girl?

A. Yes, I think so

B. I don’t think so

C. Probably

10. Is she a good secret keeper?

A. Pretty good

B. She can’t keep a secret

C. I think she is okay

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