1. Have you experienced any trauma in your life?
2. Have you frequently thought about this trauma, had flashbacks or had recurring thoughts about the specific traumatic events?
3. In the last month have you had any nightmares about any of the traumatic events in your life?
4. Do you ever avoid certain people, places or things that are a trigger for you because of a traumatic experience?
5. Do you feel like you no longer enjoy the things you once enjoyed or feel detached from the people around you?
6. Do you constantly blame yourself and feel guilt surrounding the traumatic event?
7. Do you ever have persistent and unwanted memories about the event that cause severe emotional distress?
8. Do you ever have repeated negative thoughts about yourself, feelings of hopelessness, or any other negative changes in your thinking?
9. Do you have difficulty sleeping, concentrating, eating, abusing substances or any other major changes in your daily life?
10. How long has it felt like your life is unmanageable?