Do I Have Postnatal Depression Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Oct 04, 2023
 Do I Have Postnatal Depression Quiz?

Have you ever wondered if you suffered from postnatal depression (PND)? Mood swings, low moods, crying for no reason – it can be hard to tell what's normal and what's not. But it's not worth risking your health or the health of your baby. Find out through this ‘Do I have postnatal depression quiz’ whether you have PND today!

Questions Excerpt

1. Over the past two weeks, how often have you felt persistently sad or down?

A. Most of the time

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely or never

2. Have you experienced significant changes in your sleep patterns since giving birth?

A. Yes, my sleep patterns have changed significantly

B. Yes, my sleep patterns have changed somewhat

C. No, my sleep patterns are mostly unchanged

3. Do you often feel guilty or like you're not doing a good job as a parent?

A. Yes, I often feel guilty or inadequate as a parent

B. Occasionally, I have moments of self-doubt

C. No, I generally feel confident in my parenting

4. Have you lost interest in activities or hobbies you used to enjoy since becoming a parent?

A. Yes, I've lost interest in most of my hobbies

B. I've lost some interest, but not in everything

C. No, I still enjoy my hobbies

5. Are you experiencing changes in your appetite, either eating more or less than usual?

A. I've had significant changes in my appetite

B. I've noticed some changes in my appetite

C. My appetite is about the same as before

6. How would you describe your energy levels these days?

A. I have plenty of energy most of the time

B. I feel tired more often than usual

C. I'm constantly exhausted and lack energy

7. Are you having trouble concentrating or making decisions?

A. My concentration and decision-making are normal

B. I've noticed occasional difficulties with concentration

C. I often struggle to concentrate or make decisions

8. Do you find it challenging to connect emotionally with your baby?

A. I have a strong emotional connection with my baby

B. I sometimes feel distant but can connect at times

C. I often feel disconnected from my baby

9. Have you had thoughts of harming yourself or your baby?

A. No, I've never had such thoughts

B. I've had fleeting thoughts but would never act on them

C. Yes, I've had persistent thoughts of harming myself or my baby

10. Have you sought support or talked to a healthcare provider about your postpartum emotions?

A. Yes, I've discussed my feelings with a healthcare provider

B. I've considered it but haven't reached out yet

C. No, I haven't discussed my postpartum emotions with anyone

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