Can Your Marriage Be Saved Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 6295 | Updated: May 02, 2023
 Can Your Marriage Be Saved Quiz?

Are you unhappy with your marriage? It likely happens to every married person at some point, although it’s a terrible feeling to suspect your relationship could be falling apart. It could feel like your marriage is actually doomed, or you may just be going through a more difficult time right now. Try taking this simple quiz that we have created to help you understand if your marriage can be saved or not.

Questions Excerpt

1. How long has your marriage been troubled?

A. For less than a month

B. For half a year

C. For about a year

D. For more than a year

2. When was the last time you were intimate with your spouse?

A. Within the last week

B. Weeks ago

C. Months ago

D. Can't even remember

3. Do you two have children together?

A. Yes, two or more

B. Yes, one

C. No, but we were planning

D. No, and I couldn't imagine us having children

4. Do you still live together?

A. Yes, we sleep in the same bed

B. Yes, but we sleep in different rooms

C. Yes, but we have plans for separation

D. No

5. Have you and your spouse ever discussed divorce or separation?

A. Never

B. A few times

C. Multiple times

D. We already are separated

6. How often do you have major disagreements?

A. Almost never

B. A few times a month

C. A few times a week

D. Almost every day

7. Have you considered marriage counseling?

A. Yes, and it sounds like a good idea

B. We have mentioned it a couple of times

C. My spouse refuses to attend counseling

D. We have not even discussed it

8. Do you ever feel physically or emotionally abused in your relationship?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. On many occasions

D. Yes, very much

9. Are you both making efforts to fix your marriage?

A. Yes

B. We are willing to

C. Only I do

D. Not really as we don’t know what to do

10. Do you ever think that you would have been happier outside this marriage?

A. No

B. Only when we have serious fight

C. Yes, sometimes

D. Yes, many times

11. Do you spend time together regularly?

A. Yes, everyday

B. Yes, a few hours at least

C. We have meals together

D. That's rare

12. Do you respect each other’s opinions?

A. Yes, always

B. Mostly

C. Only when we aren't angry

D. Never

13. If you have tried counseling, how effective was it?

A. Very effective

B. Somewhat helpful

C. Made things worse

D. Not applicable because we have not been to counseling

14. How optimistic do you feel about the chances of saving your marriage?

A. Very optimistic

B. Quite optimistic

C. Not very optimistic

D. Not at all optimistic

15. Has your spouse cheated on you?

A. No

B. I don't think so

C. Possibly

D. Yes

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