Are You A Pathological Liar Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4689 | Updated: Jul 23, 2024
Are You a Pathological Liar Quiz

Most people are guilty of lying from time to time, whether it's a little white lie to spare someone's feelings or omitting the truth occasionally. We've all been less than 100% truthful at some point. However, some individuals may be pathological liars, unable to help but lie, sometimes for no apparent reason.

They may lie to get their way or to appear more successful than they actually are. If you're here, you might be concerned about some of your lying behaviors and want to manage them better. Take the "Are you a pathological liar" quiz below to see if you show signs of pathological lying.

Questions Excerpt

1. Would you feel okay with telling your boss you were seriously ill so that you could go out of town in the middle of the week for a spur-of-the-moment trip?

A. I’d never do this. I feel bad about missing work, even when I am truly sick at home in bed.

B. Yes, I’ve done things like this before. My personal life is more important than my job and I’m not going to pass up an opportunity to take a trip.

C. If it were a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I might tell a white lie to get out of work but I’d make sure my work was covered.

2. Someone in your office goes on and on about an accomplishment. How would you most likely react?

A. Congratulate them and move on.

B. I might stretch the truth and exaggerate one of my own accomplishments to stay on par with them.

C. I’d tell a big story about something of my own that I accomplished, even if I had to entirely fabricate it. I don’t like to be outdone.

3. Which one of the following sounds most like you?

A. I value being honest. The only time I’ve ever really lied is when I pretended to like a gift my grandmother got me for Christmas.

B. I occasionally fib to get out of things, like going to a social gathering I don’t want to attend, but lying about something major would make me feel guilty.

C. Sometimes I find myself telling lies for no reason at all; the stories just roll right off of my tongue.

4. If you had to lie to get your way, such as to be approved for an extra day off from work by your boss, how would you go about it?

A. I would craft a grand story about a close family member having surgery, and I’d be sure to give clear details so no one would question me.

B. I would never do this. I’d simply tell the truth about the situation and hope my boss would understand.

C. I might tell a fib about my kids being sick and hope I get away with it.

5. How do you feel when telling a lie?

A. I tend to be a little nervous and I avoid making eye contact, so I have to hope that no one will pick up on the fact that I’m not telling the truth.

B. I feel so guilty that it’s obvious that I’m lying. In fact, I can’t really lie, because it’s so obvious to everyone around me when I’m not being honest.

C. I am so good at it that others don’t even notice a change in my demeanor. I can lie smoothly without much thought.

6. How often do you make up stories to impress other people?

A. Never. This isn’t something I’d be comfortable doing.

B. There may have been a few occasions where I have stretched the truth just a little if I really wanted to impress someone such as a love interest but it’s certainly not a habit.

C. I do this all the time. I want to look successful and important.

7. What is the most complex lie you’ve ever told?

A. One time I told my husband I had paid the phone bill already, when I had actually forgotten it. It was an honest mistake, and it only happened once.

B. I once made up a story about having a serious health problem so someone would feel bad for me.

C. I exaggerated one of my sports accomplishments so that I would look cool in front of a new group of coworkers.

8. On the occasions that you have found yourself lying, what is your intent?

A. To manipulate someone into giving me my way or to look superior to others.

B. To get out of doing something I really don’t want to do.

C. I might fib on rare occasions to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, such as by telling a friend their new haircut doesn’t look bad, when it’s actually quite awful.

9. You find out that a coworker has lied about having cancer in order to get sympathy from others. What is your reaction?

A. I am absolutely appalled! I can’t understand why anyone would make up such a lie, when there are people who are truly suffering from this disease.

B. I wouldn’t think much of it, because I have told similar lies to get people to feel sorry for me.

C. I would find this a little upsetting, but I have told lies myself here and there, so I would wonder what is going on with this person that they felt a need to tell such a huge lie.

10. If you had been on a few dates with someone and were really starting to fall for them, what would you do to win them over?

A. I would be sure to tell them all about my career, and I might even stretch the truth on my income just a bit, so they would be impressed.

B. I would just be myself and hope that they also like me for who I am.

C. I would do whatever I could to impress them, even if it meant telling stories or making up things about myself to make me appear more heroic or successful.

11. How often do you make up stories to impress other people?

A. I do this all the time. I want to look successful and important.

B. There may have been a few occasions where I have stretched the truth just a little if I really wanted to impress someone such as a love interest but it’s certainly not a habit.

C. Never. This isn’t something I’d be comfortable doing.

12. What is the most complex lie you’ve ever told?

A. I once made up a story about having a serious health problem so someone would feel bad for me.

B. I exaggerated one of my sports accomplishments so that I would look cool in front of a new group of coworkers.

C. One time I told my husband I had paid the phone bill already, when I had actually forgotten it. It was an honest mistake, and it only happened once.

13. On the occasions that you have found yourself lying, what is your intent?

A. To manipulate someone into giving me my way or to look superior to others

B. To get out of doing something I really don’t want to do.

C. I might fib on rare occasions to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, such as by telling a friend their new haircut doesn’t look bad, when it’s actually quite awful.

14. You find out that a coworker has lied about having cancer in order to get sympathy from others. What is your reaction?

A. I wouldn’t think much of it, because I have told similar lies to get people to feel sorry for me.

B. I would find this a little upsetting, but I have told lies myself here and there, so I would wonder what is going on with this person that they felt a need to tell such a huge lie.

C. I am absolutely appalled! I can’t understand why anyone would make up such a lie, when there are people who are truly suffering from this disease.

15. If you had been on a few dates with someone and were really starting to fall for them, what would you do to win them over?

A. I would do whatever I could to impress them, even if it meant telling stories or making up things about myself to make me appear more heroic or successful.

B. I would be sure to tell them all about my career, and I might even stretch the truth on my income just a bit, so they would be impressed.

C. I would just be myself and hope that they also like me for who I am.

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