Am I Trans Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 25200 | Updated: Sep 24, 2024
Am I Trans Quiz

Gender is more than just how we're seen; it's about how we feel inside and how we want to express ourselves. Everyone is unique, with their own personality that develops throughout life. Sometimes, though, a person's inner sense of self doesn't match the gender they were assigned at birth.

This quiz is designed to help you explore those feelings. If you identify with the experiences of those whose gender identity differs from their assigned sex, this quiz might offer some insights.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you typically describe yourself?

A. Introverted

B. Modest

C. Nice

2. When you have a disagreement with a person, how do you react?

A. I pretend nothing happened to smooth out the tense atmosphere

B. In trying to find the root of the problem, I am trying to discern if one side or the other is responsible for it 

C. I have no idea

3. When you were a child, what kinds of toys or games did you like?

A. Dolls

B. Football

C. Trucks

4. What name would you prefer to be called?

A. Current name

B. Feminine or Masculine

C. Unisex

5. Do you sometimes wish you were born a different sex?

A. From time to time

B. Yes, all the time

C. No

6. Have you ever been called the wrong pronoun?

A. Happened a few times

B. Happens a lot

C. No, never

7. Are your friends most of the same or opposite sex as you?

A. Fifty-fifty

B. Same

C. Opposite

8. Would you change your gender if given the opportunity?

A. Of course, without a second thought

B. I’ll have to think longer to make a decision

C. No

9. Do you feel comfortable wearing clothes typically made to fit the opposite gender?

A. Gender doesn't matter to me if I find the outfit comfortable

B. Yeah, then I feel like myself

C. I’ve never done that

10. Do you use a different name than the one you were given at birth?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

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