Am I Self Absorbed Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 229 | Updated: Dec 05, 2022
 Am I Self Absorbed Quiz?

Generally, humans are inherently selfish. They like to keep to themselves most often. But for some, they tend to overdo it. Being self absorbed for instance is an obsessive way of telling the world and everyone in it that you’re better than them. Being self absorbed reeks of narcissistic tendencies and superiority. 

‘Am I Self absorbed Quiz’ is posited to help you uncover your level of self centeredness in the society. It’s an ideal quiz to check whether you are self absorbed or not.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you enjoy the company of others?

A. Definitely not often

B. I definitely enjoy

C. Only with a small group of people

2. How do you feel about the idea of working in a team?

A. It isn’t suitable for me

B. I enjoy working in a team a lot

C. Well, it depends on who’s in the team

3. Are you a difficult person to live with?

A. I experience conflicts often

B. I’m an easy going person to all

C. Can’t really say. It’s up to them to decide

4. What do you think about giving alms?

A. I think everyone is supposed to work and not feed off charity

B. Alms giving is a generous deed that must continue

C. It can create avenues for scammers to thrive

5. Have you ever been called selfish?

A. I get that often

B. I have never been called that

C. Not always but sometimes

6. What one word describes you?

A. Conceited

B. Generous

C. Realist

7. Do you care about what others think about you?

A. No, I can’t be bothered

B. Yes, I do

C. It depends

8. What’s your self-esteem?

A. It’s very high

B. It’s at where it should be

C. It’s moderately okay

9. Do you get involved in charity work?

A. No I don’t entirely

B. Yes, as often as I can, I do

C. I leave it to specialized organizations

10. Will you lend a heavy cash to a friend or relative?

A. No way

B. Absolutely

C. I may have to think about it

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