What Am I Doing Wrong In My Relationship Quiz

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 27791 | Updated: Aug 07, 2024
What Am I Doing Wrong in My Relationship Quiz

When the same problems keep repeating themselves in your relationship, it's time to ask, "What am I doing wrong?" It's easy to play the blaming game, where we refuse to accept our faults and place the blame on the other person.

However, if you've had multiple relationships and the same issues keep arising, it's important to understand why. If you’re wondering whether you might be at fault, take this simple quiz to uncover what you might be doing wrong in your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you express your love to your partner?

A. I just tell them that I love them

B. I hug them for warmly and they understand

C. I call them at least 4 times a day

D. I can't think of a single thing I've done to express my feelings for my partner

2. Do you always return your lover’s calls?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Only when I'm not busy

D. Only when it's something important

3. How is your sex life with your partner?

A. It's fantastic

B. It's horrible

C. It's just fine

D. There's nothing special about it

4. Do you go on dates together regularly?

A. Yes

B. No, never

C. I don't think that's needed anymore

D. Dates are overrated

5. Do you take pictures together?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. You wished you did

D. Not anymore

6. Do you compliment your lover?

A. Yes, I do

B. Not really

C. Sometimes

D. Only when I want to cheer them up

7. Do you think about your partner when you are not together?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. No. I'm usually busy

8. Do you feel like getting surprise gifts for your spouse occasionally?

A. Yes, I do that

B. Sometimes

C. Only when they deserve it

D. Not really

9. Do you like seeing your spouse happy?

A. Yes. It makes me happy too

B. Most of the time

C. Why would I care?

D. The truth is I want to see myself happy first

10. Do you get annoyed at your spouse often?

A. Yes

B. All the time

C. Sometimes

D. Most of the time

11. Do you threaten your partner of breaking up every time there’s an argument?

A. Yes

B. I have to

C. Sometimes

D. No

12. How do you define yourself in terms of loyalty toward your partner?

A. I do get attracted to other people at times

B. I like casual flirting

C. My partner would never question that

D. I’m completely loyal to them

13. What do you do when your partner needs you physically or emotionally?

A. I don’t know what to do exactly

B. They should be capable enough to deal with issues themselves

C. I’ll be there if they ask me to

D. I’ll comfort them in the best way possible

14. Are you friends with your partner’s friends?

A. No, I hardly know them

B. No, I don’t care

C. Not exactly friends but I know them

D. Yes, with most of them

15. When was the last time you did something romantic for them?

A. I don’t remember exactly

B. Whatever I do for them can be termed romantic

C. A few months back

D. A few days back

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