One Thing You Should Improve On Your Valentine Date? Editorial Team
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8 Questions | Total Attempts: 24 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
One Thing You Should Improve On Your Valentine Date?
Getting a Valentine date is never easy. Would you like to know how to get a Valentine date? Take this quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you already have a date this Valentine?

A. I have my close friends.

B. My current lover.

C. I don't have any and I don't have any plans to go on a date.

D. Still searching for the right one.

2. What is your preference for a date?

A. Someone who is nice and a good listener.

B. Sexy and very hot.

C. I don't have preference.

D. I am not interested.

3. Where do you plan to go on a date?

A. In an expensive restaurant.

B. Anywhere as long as it is quiet.

C. I don't know.

D. In a mountain resort.

4. Will it be an expensive or a budgeted date?

A. I don't have much so kind of budgeted.

B. The most expensive date with limo.

C. I still don't know.

D. Just a nice snack on a burrito restaurant.

5. What do you plan to wear this Valentine?

A. The usual clothes

B. I still need to shop.

C. Something sexy and naughty.

D. Casual outfit.

6. Do you have a car of your own?

A. I don't but I can borrow my dad's auto.

B. I already have.

C. Nope but I am planning to rent a limo.

D. Walking is nicer.

7. What is your planned gift to give?

A. I am planning to give a costly bouquet of roses.

B. The usual flowers and chocolates.

C. I'll ask what she likes.

D. I am still thinking about it.

8. What do you plan after the date?

A. Go home and sleep.

B. Ask for a quick kiss.

C. I am not sure

D. Oh nothing.

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