1. Does your boss give you special attention and privileges that's not being given to other employees?
2. Does your boss frequently contact you outside of work hours?
3. Have other people you work with noticed any inappropriate behavior from your boss directed toward you?
4. Has your boss ever touched you in a flirtatious manner?
5. Has your boss ever tried to make plans with you outside of business hours?
6. Have you ever been given a raise or a promotion even though it may not be deserved?
7. Does your boss ever inquire about your dating life?
8. Is your boss single or married?
9. Has your boss ever sent you a risqué photo or requested one from you?
10. Have you ever hooked up with your boss?
11. Have you ever felt pressured to engage in inappropriate behavior with your boss?
12. Does your boss make comments about your appearance or clothing?
13. Does your boss give you preferential treatment over other employees?
14. Have you ever witnessed your boss engaging in inappropriate behavior with other employees?
15. Does your boss go out of their way to help you or offer special privileges?