Is It Infatuation Or Is It A Crush Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1795 | Updated: Jun 30, 2023
 Is It Infatuation or Is It a Crush Quiz?

When a person is infatuated with another person, it is seen as more of a brief or short-lived period. It is commonly associated with lust and obsession because of the selfishness behind feelings of infatuation. It is more like an adrenaline rush of feelings instead of something more sustainable such as a crush or genuinely being in love. When you have a crush, it could also be known as puppy love or young love, but it doesn’t always have to refer to someone young in age. It is most often the beginning of a relationship when you first start to develop feelings for another person, who will eventually grow into love if the feelings remain.

Which stage are your feelings in? Is it infatuation, a crush, or something different? Take this 'Is it infatuation or is it a crush' quiz to find out

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of these describes your feelings best?

A. Tender passion and affection

B. Adoration or serious attraction

C. A quick rush of passion

D. Falling head over heels

2. What do your feelings feel most like to you?

A. Addiction, insecurity or fear of losing him

B. Adoration and infatuation

C. Uncontrollable Desire

D. Calm, committed and dedicated

3. How do your feelings affect your daily life negatively?

A. Making more irrational decisions that you end up regretting later

B. Sometimes making a fool of yourself

C. Extreme urges to have this person in your life

D. I haven’t experienced any negative effects

4. Do you feel like the attraction is more physical or emotional?

A. Heavy physical attraction, mostly physical

B. Attraction or common interests, more than emotional

C. Intense/Unhinged Obsession that’s physical and not emotional

D. Both physical and emotional equally

5. How long have you been experiencing these feelings?

A. A few weeks

B. About a month

C. Less than a few weeks

D. More than a month

6. What is the status of your relationship with this person?

A. I believe it is one sided and they don’t feel the same towards me

B. I believe it is one sided and they don’t feel the same towards me

C. I am not sure they know I exist and/or feel this way

D. It is a mutual platonic relationship

7. How do you know this person?

A. An acquaintance who lives in the same neighborhood/area

B. Through mutual friends

C. Work/school

D. A dating site

8. How would you describe your feelings when you see this person?

A. Intense and dramatic

B. Can’t get them out of my mind all day

C. Uncontrollable Passion and desire

D. Butterflies and confidence in the mutual feelings

9. Do you believe your feelings towards this person are healthy and controllable?

A. Most of the time they are out of my control

B. Sometimes

C. They are not healthy or controllable

D. They are healthy and under my control

10. Have you ever had an actual relationship with this person?

A. No, just brief interactions

B. Yes, but not exclusively

C. No, not at all

D. Yes, exclusively

11. Have you expressed your feelings to this person?

A. Yes, and they feel the same way

B. Yes, but they don't feel the same way

C. No, but I plan to

D. No, and I don't plan to

12. How does this person treat you?

A. With kindness and respect

B. Indifferently or negatively

C. With mixed signals

D. I'm not sure

13. How important is this person to you?

A. They are the most important person in my life

B. They are very important to me

C. They are somewhat important to me

D. They are not very important to me

14. Have you considered seeking professional help for your feelings towards this person?

A. Yes, I have already sought professional help

B. Yes, I am considering seeking professional help

C. No, I don't think it's necessary

D. No, I don't believe in seeking professional help for this issue

15. How do you think this person would react if they knew how you felt?

A. They would be happy and reciprocate my feelings

B. They would be flattered but not interested

C. They would be uncomfortable or scared

D. I'm not sure how they would react.

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