CBT Quiz - Does Your Spouse Need Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

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10 Questions | Updated: Jun 27, 2023
CBT Quiz - Does Your Spouse Need Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

This quiz aims to help you determine if your spouse may benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Remember, this quiz cannot replace professional assessment. It's always important to consult with a mental health professional if you or a loved one are struggling. This Does Your Spouse Need Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy quiz is a tool to help you consider whether seeking professional help might be beneficial.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you noticed patterns of obsessive thoughts or behaviors?

A. No, not at all

B. Occasionally, but it's not disrupting their life

C. Yes, their thoughts or behaviors seem compulsive

2. Do they have frequent mood swings or episodes of anger?

A. No, they're generally stable and calm

B. Sometimes, but they can still manage their mood swings

C. Yes, they often experience intense mood changes or anger

3. Do they have problems with sleep, either sleeping too much or too little?

A. No, they have a healthy sleep pattern

B. Occasionally, but it's not a major issue

C. Yes, they consistently struggle with sleep

4. Has their overall quality of life or daily functioning been significantly affected due to their emotional or behavioral issues?

A. No, they are able to function normally

B. Sometimes, they face some challenges but can still manage

C. Yes, their daily life is significantly affected

5. Does your spouse often express feelings of helplessness or hopelessness?

A. No, not at all

B. Occasionally, but it's not a constant feeling

C. Yes, frequently

6. Do they have a hard time coping with everyday stressors?

A. No, they handle stress well

B. Sometimes, depending on the situation

C. Yes, they often struggle with stress

7. Does your spouse engage in negative self-talk or self-blame?

A. No, they generally maintain a positive self-image

B. Occasionally, but it's not persistent

C. Yes, they frequently put themselves down

8. Have they expressed persistent feelings of sadness or depression?

A. No, not at all

B. They have some low moods, but they bounce back

C. Yes, they often feel down or depressed

9. Do they avoid social interactions or activities they used to enjoy?

A. No, they actively engage with others and pursue their interests

B. Occasionally, but it's not a significant change

C. Yes, they've become significantly more isolated or disinterested

10. Have they expressed difficulty in handling their emotions?

A. No, they generally manage their emotions well

B. Sometimes, but it's not overwhelming

C. Yes, they often struggle with emotional regulation

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