Do You Think Your Boyfriend Is A Narcissist Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 213 | Updated: Dec 07, 2022
 Do You Think Your Boyfriend Is a Narcissist Quiz?

The main problem of narcissists is that they want the whole world to be centered around them. It won’t matter what you say to them as they simply cannot stop acting the way they do. Narcissists are also known to snap and to have sociopathic tendencies when they don’t get their way, which is why it is always good to see the signs very early. 

But wouldn’t it be exhausting to be around someone who thinks that they are the center of the world? With that said, do you think your boyfriend is a narcissist? Take this quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many times does your boyfriend look at himself in the mirror every day?

A. Once

B. Twice

C. Three times

D. Almost never

2. How long does he stay in the bathroom in the morning?

A. 15 minutes

B. 30 minutes

C. 1 hour

D. 7 minutes

3. Does he listen to your stories?

A. Sometimes

B. Of course, he does

C. No

D. When he feels like it

4. Do you believe your boyfriend encourages you enough?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. I think so

5. Does your boyfriend interrupt your stories just to tell you about his?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. He does, but it's rare

6. Do you often feel like your boyfriend knows nothing about being with a loving partner?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. I often feel like it, but he quickly proves me otherwise

D. No, never

7. Do you feel like your relationship is more about your boyfriend’s needs than yours?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. I’m not sure what to think

8. Is it hard for your boyfriend to get you presents?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Only when he can't afford them

D. Sometimes

9. Does your boyfriend write and impose on you a list of gifts he wants for his birthday?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. It only happened a few times

10. Does your boyfriend sometimes refuse to get intimate with you because he doesn’t want you to stain his sheets?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, but only when he has a good reason that you actually agree with

11. Does your partner listen to your concerns with empathy?

A. Yes, totally

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. In rare moments

12. Does your partner try to gaslight you about various things?

A. Yes, totally

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. I don’t think so

13. Have you started feeling worse about yourself since you started dating your partner?

A. Yes, totally

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. I don't think so

14. Does your boyfriend make you feel responsible for all the bad things that happen in your relationship?

A. Yes, totally

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. I don't think so

15. Do you feel manipulated by your boyfriend?

A. Yes, totally

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. I don't think so

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