What Kind Of Mom Are You Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2458 | Updated: Apr 23, 2023
 What Kind of Mom Are You Quiz?

A mother is an important part of a child's life, as she is often the person that is closest to the child. Children often depend on their mothers for emotional and physical sustenance. This is the reason there is usually a lot of pressure on women to be the "perfect" mother.

But all mothers are different because their personalities and situations are different. This shapes the way they end up raising their child and what they deem appropriate for their child.

From the over-controlling perfectionist mother to the supportive best friend mother, there are a few mother types that are most common. Take this 'What kind of mom are you' quiz to find out what kind of mom you are!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you find yourself questioning every parenting decision that you’ve made?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Only if my child(ren) are unhappy about it

D. No, I can’t keep doing that

2. Do you constantly compare yourself to other parents?

A. Yes, all the time

B. It depends

C. No, I just want my child(ren) to not hate me

D. No, why should I

3. Do you lose your cool around your child?

A. Yes, quite often

B. Yes, but I can’t predict this

C. No, I remain calm at all times

D. It depends on whether they are getting on my nerves

4. What is the best way to treat your child’s mistakes?

A. I reprimand them strictly

B. It depends on the situation

C. I treat them in a loving manner

D. Depends on how much they are getting in my way

5. Do you think negative motivation (scolding) or positive motivation (rewards) is better for a child?

A. Negative motivation might be essential at times

B. It depends on my mood

C. I prefer positive motivation for child(ren)

D. Anything that makes things easier for me

6. What do you think children need more: rewards for good behavior or punishment for bad?

A. Punishment

B. Both are important

C. It depends on the situation

D. I don't know

7. Your child has a lot of homework this week, and you’re not sure if they can get it all done. What do you do?

A. Make sure they finish everything, even if they have to stay up all night

B. Tell them to do their homework and give them chores as well

C. Help them but understand that they might not finish in time

D. Call the teachers and ask for a deadline extension

8. Your teenager wants to throw a party at your house. What do you say?

A. Absolutely not

B. Maybe, maybe not, we'll see

C. Yes, but we need to establish some rules

D. Sure, I don't care

9. What is your child’s schedule like?

A. Busy, busy, busy

B. Depends on what time of the year it is

C. Not too busy, just school and play dates

D. Very flexible

10. How involved should a mother be in her college-going child's life?

A. Very involved

B. Somewhat involved

C. Not very involved

D. Not involved at all

11. Your child has come home with bad grades. What do you do?

A. Ground them

B. Say it's okay but hire a tutor

C. Encourage them to do better by offering an incentive

D. Nothing

12. Your teenage daughter wants to go to a concert with her friends. What do you do?

A. Allow her to go but only if you can go with them as a chaperone

B. Allow her to go but then not allow her the night before

C. Call her friends' parents to consult them

D. Let her go

13. Would you ever let your young child travel alone?

A. No, of course not

B. No, I don't think so

C. Yes, only after I've traveled with them a few times first

D. Yes, definitely

14. You made dinner for the family, but your child refuses to eat their vegetables. What do you do?

A. Force feed them their vegetables

B. Let it go, but make a vegetable-based dinner the next day

C. Calmly tell them to eat a few vegetables, then let them leave the table

D. Nothing, they can do whatever they want

15. Your child wants to play with you, but you’re busy. What do you do?

A. Tell them to ask someone else to play because you have to work

B. Tell them to play by themselves, but then feel bad and go play with them

C. Save work for later and go play with them

D. Shoo them away

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