What Do I Want In A Woman Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 664 | Updated: Jun 28, 2023
 What Do I Want in a Woman Quiz?

Are you tired of dating the wrong women? Do you want to find someone who truly matches your standards and desires? Take our "What Do I Want in a Woman Quiz" and discover what qualities you truly value in a partner. From physical appearance to ambition and drive, this quiz will help you identify what you're really looking for in a relationship. Don't settle for less than you deserve - take the quiz now and find your perfect match!

Questions Excerpt

1. What qualities do you look for in a woman?

A. Good looks

B. Ambition and drive

C. Compatibility

2. How important is ambition in a woman to you?

A. Not important, compatibility is key

B. Very important, I want a woman with passion and goals

C. I prefer a good looking woman over an ambitious one

3. What makes you feel fulfilled in a relationship with a woman?

A. Her physical appearance

B. A woman who shares my dreams and goals

C. Compatibility is enough for me

4. Do you value a woman who works hard?

A. Yes, it's important to me

B. It's not a deal breaker, but it's nice

C. No, but compatibility can make a difference

5. Does a woman's height matter to you?

A. Not at all

B. I prefer a strong and determined woman

C. Yes, I prefer a woman with good height

6. What is your biggest turn-on in a woman?

A. Physical appearance

B. Ambition and drive

C. Compatibility and connection

7. What does your dream girl look like?

A. Very attractive

B. We must have things in common

C. A woman with dreams and visions

8. How important is it for a woman to match your standards?

A. It depends on the situation

B. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't

C. It's always important to me

9. What level of accomplishment do you desire in a woman?

A. A lot of degrees and awards

B. No specific level, but attractiveness is important

C. I haven't thought about it

10. What is the first thing that attracts you to a woman?

A. Compatibility on all levels

B. Physical appearance

C. Ambition and drive

11. ow important is communication in a relationship with a woman?

A. Very important, I need to be able to communicate effectively with my partner

B. It's not a deal breaker, but it's nice to have good communication

C. I don't think it's that important

12. What role do you think trust plays in a relationship with a woman?

A. Trust is essential for a healthy relationship

B. It's important, but not the most important thing

C. I don't think trust is that important

13. How important is it for a woman to have a sense of humor?

A. Very important, I want someone who can make me laugh

B. It's not a deal breaker, but it's nice to have a partner with a good sense of humor

C. I don't think it's that important

14. What is your ideal date with a woman?

A. A fancy dinner at a nice restaurant

B. Something adventurous like hiking or skydiving

C. A cozy night in watching movies

15. How important is it for a woman to have similar interests as you?

A. Very important, I want to share my hobbies and passions with my partner

B. It's not a deal breaker, but it's nice to have some common interests

C. I don't think it's that important

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