Mental health Quizzes - Page 2

 Do You Have an Obsessive Love Disorder Quiz?

Do You Have an Obsessive Love Disorder Quiz?

Obsessive love disorder, or OLD, is when an individual becomes obsessed with a person that they think they are in love with. Having this disorder can damage yourself and the person you are pursuing. Take this ‘Do you have an obsessive love disorder’ quiz to discover if you have an obsessive love disorder.
Am I Married to a Narcissist Quiz

Am I Married to a Narcissist Quiz

Narcissists as we all know them, are very confident and perhaps, too confident about themselves. The problem is when you befriend one, or worse, when you marry one, their behavior or beliefs can become toxic to the relationship or your emotional health. So, do you think you are married to a narcissist? Take our ‘Am I married to a narcissist quiz’ and find out.

What Is Your Dominant Personality Trait?

What Is Your Dominant Personality Trait?

We all have dominant personalities. Whether they are positive, negative they define us and most of the time are very determinant of the choices we make in life. Most of our personality traits are either inherited or molded through our lifetime. They help us get jobs or build relationships but they can also keep people away from us or make us lose jobs. So, what is your dominant trait? And does that trait help you in life and simply puts you in trouble all the time? Take our quiz and find out now
 Am I Dating a Sociopath Quiz?

Am I Dating a Sociopath Quiz?

A sociopath is someone having an antisocial personality that doesn't show empathy, lacks remorse, and tends to exploit relationships. At times, people can’t decide if they’re dating a sociopath or just facing some common relationship issues.

A sociopath can appear just like any other person. It takes a certain effort to realize whether the traits shown by them are alarming or not. So, if you’re thinking, ‘am I dating a sociopath’ let us help you figure out the answer through this quick quiz.

 Was I Sexually Assaulted Quiz?

Was I Sexually Assaulted Quiz?

Sexual assault is a broader form of assault that includes any sexual activity, contact, or behavior that’s performed without explicit and freely given consent. If you have a similar situation in your life, you may question, “Was I Sexually Assaulted?”. 

You may have memory gaps or perhaps struggle to decide if this event can be considered sexual assault. At the same time, such actions cause difficult emotions and have serious legal consequences. If you want to explore the possibility that you were sexually assaulted, check the following questions and feel free to take this Was I Sexually Assaulted Quiz.

 Am I Being Manipulated by My Partner Quiz?

Am I Being Manipulated by My Partner Quiz?

One of the great tactics of master manipulators is the ability to make other people feel like they are wrong, even when they are not. They tend to flip any situation from the focus being on them to the focus being on their accuser, creating feelings of uncertainty, guilt, and shame. 

Such situations may occur in relationships, as well. If you are in a relationship with someone manipulative, it could be very confusing and frustrating. It could make you second guess yourself all the time, make your feelings seem invalid, and create a very uneven playing field in your relationship. 

Do you think your partner is manipulative but is still unsure? Please take this short: am I being manipulated by my partner quiz to clear things out.

 Is My Mother a Narcissist Quiz?

Is My Mother a Narcissist Quiz?

Having a narcissistic mother can be a nightmare for you because she likes to interfere in your life. They may ruin everything because they think that they can never be wrong. rnA narcissistic mother may want your life to resemble theirs as they always try to compare your choices and actions to the ones they used to make when they were your age. And that can be suffocating and frustrating. So, do you have a narcissistic mother? If yes, take our ‘Is My Mother a Narcissist Quiz’ now.
 Are You A Sadist Or A Masochist Quiz?

Are You A Sadist Or A Masochist Quiz?

Both masochists and sadists are extreme personality types. You can say they are either different sides of the same coin or the two ends of the same personality. Honestly, who wouldn’t want to know where they fit in with this? A vicious sadist or a weak masochist, none of the options seem good. But alas, what are you? Take this, are you a sadist or a masochist quiz to find out?