Am I Annoying Him Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 911 | Updated: Jul 23, 2024
Am I Annoying Him Quiz

Are you feeling like your partner is pulling away from you? Do you feel like you're constantly being ignored or avoided? Take our quiz "Am I Annoying Him?" to find out if your partner is truly annoyed with you or if it's just in your head. With 15 questions, you'll get a better understanding of your relationship and whether or not it's time to have a serious conversation with your partner. Don't wait any longer, take the quiz now and get the answers you've been searching for!

Questions Excerpt

1. Has he stopped making plans with you?

A. Yes, he doesn't seem interested in making plans

B. No, he still makes plans with me

C. Sometimes

2. How does your partner react to spending time with your friends or family?

A. He looks forward to it and actively participates

B. He participates but often seems indifferent

C. He tries to avoid these gatherings or seems unhappy during the events

3. How does he respond when you plan a surprise for him?

A. He loves the surprise and is visibly happy

B. He appreciates the effort but doesn’t get too excited

C. He seems uncomfortable or unappreciative of the gesture

4. What’s his typical response when you talk about your day?

A. He is attentive and engages with the details

B. He listens but rarely comments or asks questions

C. He seems disinterested or changes the subject

5. How often do you find yourself apologizing after interactions with your partner?

A. Frequently, I often feel I've upset him

B. Sometimes, when I think I’ve been too harsh

C. Rarely, we usually understand each other well

6. How does he react when you give him advice?

A. He appreciates it and often takes it

B. He listens but doesn’t always follow it

C. He gets defensive or ignores it

7. Has he stopped making an effort in the relationship?

A. Yes, he's stopped putting in effort

B. No, he still makes an effort

C. Sometimes

8. Does he seem to be avoiding physical intimacy with you?

A. Yes, he's been avoiding physical intimacy

B. No, he still initiates physical intimacy

C. Sometimes

9. Has he stopped showing interest in your life or what you have to say?

A. Yes, he doesn't seem to care about what I have to say

B. No, he still shows interest in my life

C. Sometimes

10. Does he seem distracted or preoccupied when you're together?

A. Yes, he's always on his phone or seems distant.

B. No, he's fully present when we're together

C. Sometimes

11. Does he change plans to hang out with his friends?

A. Yes, he has been doing that recently

B. Not at all

C. He does that sometimes

12. Does he convey his annoyance through his body language?

A. All the time

B. No, he doesn’t

C. On occasion

13. Is he still as affectionate as he used to be?

A. Most of the time

B. All the time

C. Not at all

14. Do you feel lonely even when you’re together?

A. He doesn’t behave like we’re together when he’s with me

B. Sometimes, and I don’t think I understand him

C. Never

15. Does he tell you he’s always busy?

A. Yes, he keeps mentioning that

B. Rarely

C. Not at all

16. Does it feel like he is withdrawing from you?

A. Yes, I think he’s tired

B. On occasion

C. No, I’ve not observed that

17. Does he ignore your messages?

A. He’s been doing that for a while nowrn

B. Sometimes

C. No, he doesn’t

18. Is he acting cold towards you?

A. On occasion

B. All the time

C. No

19. Has he been requesting alone time?

A. He claims he needs his own space

B. Rarely

C. No, he doesn’t

20. Has he been avoiding your calls?

A. Sometimes

B. Never

C. Yes

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