Is Your Partner Helpful Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Dec 27, 2022
 Is Your Partner Helpful Quiz?

The “Is your partner helpful?” quiz has been centered around possible behaviors that could seem unhelpful in a romantic relationship. The underlying emotion in this situation is the feeling of being uncared for. 

This could also make one feel isolated and doubt whether one’s partner will provide support in times of need or not. Check this quiz out!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often does your partner help you get out of a stressful situation?

A. Quit often

B. Sometimes

C. Always

D. Hardly ever

2. Do you talk to your partner each time you feel low?

A. Yes, often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Yes, I do

3. Does your partner share household responsibilities with you?

A. Yes they do

B. Only when they are in the mood

C. Not really

D. They are always more responsible than me

4. Does your partner get affected when you don’t help them the way they do?

A. No, they don't

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Not really

D. Yes, they get really upset

5. Has your partner’s support or help ever seemed like control to you?

A. Yes, sometimes

B. I don't think so

C. Yes, often

D. Not really

6. Does your partner help you sort out a messy room?

A. Yes, they do

B. No, they don't

C. They don’t let the room get messy

D. Sometimes

7. Does your partner offer help even when it is not needed?

A. Yes, they do

B. Sometimes

C. No, they don't

D. Rarely

8. Has your partner ever helped you with a family affair?

A. Yes, they always do

B. Yes, when I ask them

C. Whenever possible

D. Hardly ever

9. Does your partner always expect you to help them with their family affairs?

A. Yes, they do

B. No, they do not

C. Occasionally

D. Rarely

10. Do you think your partner is always there for you?

A. Yes, I do think so

B. I am not sure

C. Maybe not

D. Yes, without fail

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